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New Species of Chalcidoid Wasps of the Family Eurytomidae (Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea) from Israel and Turkmenistan


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Eight new species of chalcidoid wasps of the family Eurytomidae are described from Israel six species and Turkmenistan two species. Eurytoma monticola Zerova, sp. n. belongs to the E. fumipennis species-group. It is closely related to E. tumida Walk, and E. paralia Grah., but differs from them in more elongate metasoma without clearly expressed petiole, longer marginal vein, and enlarged stigma. Eurytoma calicotomae Zerova, sp. n. belongs to the E. robuata species-group, it is closely related toE. collina Zer., but differs from this species in the globular metasoma and longer radial vein. Eurytoma hermonica Zerova, sp. n. belongs to the E. cynipsea species-group. It differs from all the species of this group in longer marginal and postmarginalveins and black coloration of the body. Bruchophagus Bruchophagus petiolatus Zerova, sp. n. is similar to B. medicaginis Zer., but differs from it in the slightly longer metasomal petiole and longer marginal vein. Systole Systole wasseri Zerova sp. n. is similar to S. foeniculi Otten, but differs from it in more enlarged pedicel and longer radial vein. Systole Trichosystole kezivi Zerova, sp. n. differs from all the known species of the subgenus Trichosystole by longer metasoma in the female, longer and enlarged 1st funicular segment, and longer postmarginal and radial veins. Systole Systole myartsevae Zerova, sp. n. differs from all the known species of Systole in the narrow and long 1 st funicle segment and in the pronotum bearing dark yellow spots.
机译:从以色列的六个物种和土库曼斯坦的两个物种中描述了Eurytomidae科的八种新的类金刚烷黄蜂。 Eurytoma monticola Zerova,sp。 。属于E. fumipennis物种组。它与E. tumida Walk和E. paralia Grah。密切相关,但在没有明显表达的叶柄,较长的边缘静脉和增大的柱头的细长转移瘤中与它们不同。夜蛾Eurrytoma calivaomae Zerova,sp。 。属于大肠埃希菌种群,与大肠埃希菌密切相关。 Collina Zer。,但在球状转移瘤和更长的vein静脉方面不同于该物种。埃尔默特尔埃尔默尼卡泽尔瓦(Eurytoma hermonica Zerova),sp。 。属于E. cynipsea物种组。它与该组所有物种的不同之处在于边缘和后边缘静脉更长,身体呈黑色。布鲁氏菌布鲁氏菌petiolatus Zerova,sp。 。与B. medicaginis Zer。相似,但在稍长的变质体叶柄和较长的边缘静脉方面与之不同。 Systole Systole wasseri Zerova s​​p。 。与S. foeniculi Otten相似,但在花梗更大和radial静脉更长的方面有所不同。 Systole Trichosystole kezivi Zerova,sp。 。与所有已知的毛果蝇亚种不同的是雌性更长的转移瘤,更长的第一缆索节段以及更长的后缘和radial静脉。 Systole Systole myartsevae Zerova,sp。 。在狭窄的第一长节段和带有深黄色斑点的前胸膜上不同于所有已知的收缩期物种。



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