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Keystone Driller Company and Star Drilling Machine Company Excavators


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In 1875, a 22-year old Robert M. Downie of Butler County, Pennsylvania, observed the very slow and hard work of sinking small test holes for coal by hand. Five feet of three-inch hole was considered a fair day's work for two strong men. Downie believed it must be possible to construct a machine to do this job and, he thought, holes so drilled could be used for a variety of purposes including water wells for the farms scattered across western Pennsylvania. He set to work to perfect his machine, and a few years later in 1882, he established the Keystone Portable Steam Driller Company Ltd. at Beaver Falls, PA. In later years, the company claimed that Robert M. Downie was the originator and developer of the modern, self-propelled drill for farm and residential water supply, blast holes, and mineral prospecting.
机译:1875年,宾夕法尼亚州巴特勒县的22岁罗伯特·唐尼(Robert M. Downie)观察到手工下沉煤小的测试孔的工作非常缓慢而艰辛。对于两个壮汉,五英尺三英寸的洞被认为是公平的工作。唐尼认为必须构造一台机器来完成这项工作,他认为,如此钻出的孔可以用于多种目的,包括散布在宾夕法尼亚州西部的农场的水井。他着手完善自己的机器,几年后的1882年,他在宾夕法尼亚州比弗福尔斯建立了Keystone便携式蒸汽钻孔机有限公司。在后来的几年中,该公司声称罗伯特·唐尼(Robert M. Downie)是现代自走式钻机的创始人和开发商,该钻机用于农场和住宅供水,爆破孔和矿产勘探。



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