首页> 外文期刊>Environmental Biology of Fishes >Seasonality in dietary shifts in size-structured freshwater fish assemblages in three reservoirs of Sri Lanka

Seasonality in dietary shifts in size-structured freshwater fish assemblages in three reservoirs of Sri Lanka


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We studied seasonal changes in feeding habits of size-structured fish assemblages in three freshwater reservoirs in Sri Lanka. We obtained fish samples for diet analysis from three reservoirs during the months of rising water level (RIWL) and receding water level (REWL). During RIWL, peripheral areas with terrestrial/semi-terrestrial macrophytes get inundated, which resulted in increased food availability for macrophyte feeding fish. During REWL, detrital food sources increase due to decaying terrestrial plant material, which has inundated. Based on the dietary habits of individual species in the three reservoirs during RIWL and REWL, it is evident that detritivorous and phytoplanktivorous fish species, which belong to low trophic levels do not show significant variation in dietary habits between the two seasons (e.g. Oreochromis mossambicus, Oreochromis niloticus and Amblypharyngodon melettinus). Stenophagous species such as benthic invertebrate predators (Puntius chola and Puntius dorsalis), macrophytophagous species (Etroplus suratensis and Tilapia rendalli) and zooplanktivorous Hemirhamphus limbatus do not exhibit significant variation in dietary habits between seasons. Also their feeding habits do not vary with body size. Euryphagous species such as Puntius filamentosus on the other hand, exhibit variations in dietary habits between seasons as well as with body size. Stenophagous species, which feed on detritus and phytoplankton and euryphagous species, which exhibit temporal dietary plasticity, are therefore abundant in fish assemblages of these reservoirs.
机译:我们研究了斯里兰卡三个淡水水库中大小结构鱼群摄食习惯的季节性变化。在水位上升(RIWL)和水位下降(REWL)的几个月中,我们从三个水库获得了鱼样品用于饮食分析。在RIWL期间,陆生/半陆生大型植物的周边地区被淹没,这导致大型植物饲料鱼的食物供应量增加。在REWL期间,由于陆生植物材料腐烂而被淹没,导致食物中的有害食物来源增加。根据RIWL和REWL期间三个水库中单个物种的饮食习惯,很明显,营养水平较低的有害和浮游鱼类在两个季节之间的饮食习惯没有显着变化(例如Oreochromis mossambicus,尼罗罗非鱼(Oreochromis niloticus)和羊膜菌(Amblypharyngodon melettinus)。食肉食性物种,例如底栖无脊椎动物捕食者(Puntius chola和Puntius dorsalis),食草食性物种(Etroplus suratensis和Tilapia rendalli)以及食动动物性Hemirhamphus limbatus在不同季节之间的饮食习惯上没有显着变化。同样,他们的喂养习惯也不会随体型而变化。另一方面,食性鱼类,如蓬氏线虫,在不同季节以及不同体型的饮食习惯上表现出差异。因此,在这些水库的鱼类群中,以碎屑和浮游植物为食的食食性种类和显示食性可塑性的食性食性种类丰富。



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