首页> 外文期刊>Environment and Ecology >Comparative Economic Analysis of Irrigation Methods For Sustainable Quality Mulberry Leaf Production

Comparative Economic Analysis of Irrigation Methods For Sustainable Quality Mulberry Leaf Production


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A comparative economic analysis of drip, drip with subsidy and furrow system of irrigation in quality mulberry leaf production was undertaken in Kolar district, eastern dry zone of Karnataka. The study reveals that the per hectare total variable cost incurred on furrow, drip and drip with subsidy was Rs 93, 467, Rs 62, 274 and Rs 62, 274, respectively. While the per hectare total cost on furrow and drip irrigation system was Rs 96, 337 and Rs 77, 852 respectively. However, the peasants who availed subsidy at the rate of 50% of the drip irrigation system incurred Rs 71, 552 of total cost, there by saving an amount Rs 24, 787. Further the net return hectare on furrow, drip and drip system with subsidy was Rs 23, 661, Rs 42, 148 and Rs 48, 448 based on the average annual water used for irrigation. An additional net return per hectare of Rs 18, 487 and Rs 6, 300 was obtained for without and with subsidy in drip irrigation system, which is of Rs 24, 787 that could be used to repay the loan availed for installing the drip irrigation system. Thus, shifting from furrow irrigation to drip irrigation system and drip with subsidy, estimated benefit cost ratio (B:C) of 1.24:1, 1.54:1 and 1.68:1 was found indicating 30 and 44% additional net profit in drip and drip system with subsidy to the peasants.



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