首页> 外文期刊>Environment and Ecology >Stomatal Density, Leaf Area and Canopy Volume of Guava Trees as Influenced by Exogenous Ethephon Application

Stomatal Density, Leaf Area and Canopy Volume of Guava Trees as Influenced by Exogenous Ethephon Application


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Exogenous ethephon application significantly influences the tree canopy volume, leaf area and number of stomata in guava leaves. During both years of study the plant canopy volume was significantly restricted by ethephon application and was measured only 38.85 m super(3) in ethephon 1000 ppm treated plants as compared to 45.62 m super(3) in untreated plants. Similarly, least leaf size (32.20 cm super(2)) was measured in ethephon 1000 ppm treated plants followed by 33.17 cm super(2) in ethephon 500 ppm treated plants and maximum leaf area (34.70 cm super(2)) in plants kept as control. The stomatal density exhibited negative association with leaf area. As the leaf area increased the stomatal density decreased. The plants with least canopy volume and reduced leaf area exhibited highest stomatal density. The plants treated with higher dose of ethephon gave the maximum stomatal density of 52.06 stomatas per 0.1 mm super(2) area and minimum of 46.95 stomatas in unsprayed plants.
机译:外源乙烯利的使用显着影响番石榴叶片的树冠体积,叶面积和气孔数量。在这两年的研究中,乙烯利的施用显着限制了植物冠层的体积,在乙烯利1000 ppm处理过的植物中测得的冠层只有38.85 m super(3),而未经处理的植物只有45.62 m super(3)。同样,在乙烯利1000 ppm处理过的植物中测得的最小叶子尺寸(32.20 cm super(2)),随后在乙烯利500 ppm处理过的植物中测得的叶子最大尺寸为33.17 cm super(2),而保持的植物最大叶面积(34.70 cm super(2))作为控制。气孔密度与叶面积呈负相关。随着叶面积的增加,气孔密度降低。冠层体积最小且叶面积减小的植物表现出最高的气孔密度。用较高剂量的乙烯利处理的植物在未喷洒的植物中,最大气孔密度为每0.1 mm super(2)面积52.06气孔,最小为46.95气孔。



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