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The mechanism of high-speed motion and damming of the Tangjiashan landslide


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Understanding the mechanisms of landslide failure and resulting damming processes is crucial for constraining the hazard chain associated with landslide damming events. On May 12,2008, the Wenchuan earthquake caused a large number of secondary hazardous events such as landslides and collapses, most of which occurred in high mountain gorges. In these areas, the sliding distance of landsides is often very short, and the landslides are often characterized by high speed, short distance, and damming. Using the Tangjiashan landslide damming events induced by the Wenchuan Earthquake as a model, this paper reconstructs the three dimensional failure and associated damming caused by the landslide based on a detailed geological investigation of the landslide area and using the dynamic finite element technique. The study proposes a four-stage model for the failure and damming process of the Tangjiashan landslide: earthquake induction and progressive destruction of the slide body, destruction and high-speed sliding of the slide body, slide body impact, disintegration, and river blockage for the formation of a damming body, and vibration compression. The average speed of the Tangjiashan landslide reached a maximum value of 22 m/s about 30 s after the earthquake, and the landslide reached stability about 60 s later.
机译:理解滑坡破坏的机理和导致的筑坝过程对于限制与滑坡筑坝事件相关的危险链至关重要。 2008年5月12日,汶川地震引发了大量次生危害事件,如滑坡和塌方,其中大部分发生在高山峡谷中。在这些地区,陆侧的滑动距离通常很短,并且滑坡的特征通常是高速,短距离和筑坝。本文以汶川地震诱发的唐家山滑坡筑坝事件为模型,在对滑坡区域进行了详细的地质调查和运用动态有限元技术的基础上,重建了由滑坡引起的三维破坏及相关的筑坝。该研究为唐家山滑坡的破坏和筑坝过程提出了一个四阶段模型:地震诱发和滑动体的逐步破坏,滑动体的破坏和高速滑动,滑动体的冲击,崩解和河道阻塞。堰塞体的形成和振动压缩。唐家山滑坡的平均速度在地震后约30 s达到最大值22 m / s,约60 s后滑坡达到稳定。



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