首页> 外文期刊>Endocrine practice: official journal of the American College of Endocrinology and the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists >Amiodarone-induced thyrotoxicosis in adults with congenital heart disease - Clinical presentation and response to therapy

Amiodarone-induced thyrotoxicosis in adults with congenital heart disease - Clinical presentation and response to therapy


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Objective: The development of amiodarone-induced thyrotoxicosis (AIT) can threaten the hemodynamic stability of adult patients with congenital heart disease (CHD). Here, we describe the natural history and treatment response of AIT in this at-risk population.Methods: We studied retrospectively all cases of AIT that occurred in CHD patients at our institution after a minimum of 3 months on amiodarone. Subjects were identified from the cohort of adults with CHD who were treated at the Mayo Clinic Adult CHD clinic between 1987 and 2009.Results: We identified 23 cases of AIT: 7 were type 1, 13 were type 2, and 3 were undefined due to insufficient data. Most patients were symptomatic (17 of 23, 74%), with arrhythmia and weight loss as the most common symptoms. The majority (12 of 23, 52%) were initially observed; 10 patients (43%) were treated medically and 1 patient (5%) underwent thyroidectomy. Four patients from the observation group eventually required active treatment and 3 patients from the medical group required surgery. Asymptomatic patients tended to resolve under observation (5 of 7, 71.4%) rather than progress to active treatment (0 of 4) (P = .06). Discontinuation of amiodarone, AIT type, or use of perchlorate did not impact AIT duration.Conclusion: AIT in CHD patients exhibits a wide range of severity and sensitivity to medical therapy. Asymptomatic patients display a trend toward AIT resolution with observation alone. Amiodarone continuation does not appear to impact management outcome or disease duration. Additional studies in this high-risk population could identify elements of pathophysiology that would point toward better disease prevention and treatment
机译:目的:胺碘酮引起的甲状腺毒症(AIT)的发展可威胁成年先天性心脏病(CHD)患者的血液动力学稳定性。在此,我们描述了该高危人群中AIT的自然病史和治疗反应。方法:我们回顾性研究了在我院接受胺碘酮治疗至少3个月后,在冠心病患者中发生的所有AIT病例。从1987年至2009年之间在Mayo诊所成人CHD诊所接受治疗的成人CHD队列中鉴定出受试者。结果:我们确定了23例AIT:7例为1型,13例为2型,3例因以下原因而不确定:数据不足。大多数患者有症状(23名患者中有17名,占74%),心律不齐和体重减轻是最常见的症状。最初观察到大多数(23个中的12个,占52%);接受了10例(43%)药物治疗和1例(5%)甲状腺切除术。观察组的四名患者最终需要积极治疗,医学组的三名患者需要手术。无症状患者在观察下趋于解决(7/5,占71.4%),而不是主动治疗(4/0)(P = .06)。停用胺碘酮,AIT类型或使用高氯酸盐不会影响AIT持续时间。结论:冠心病患者的AIT表现出广泛的严重程度和对药物治疗的敏感性。无症状患者仅通过观察即可显示出AIT缓解的趋势。胺碘酮的持续使用似乎不会影响治疗结果或疾病持续时间。在这一高危人群中进行的其他研究可以确定病理生理因素,这些因素将指向更好的疾病预防和治疗



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