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Fabrication of magnetic porous pseudo-carbon paste electrode electrochemical biosensor and its application in detection of schistosoma egg antigen


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A novel and sensitive electrochemical sensor based on magnetic porous pseudo-carbon paste electrode (MPPCPE) for schistosoma egg antigen (SEA) detection is described. MPPCPE was fabricated by mixing polymethyl methacrylate microspheres (PMMA) as the template, magnetic powder and graphite powders as the fillers, and pyrrole as the precursor of polymer which actually acted as the paste. After the polymerization of pyrrole catalyzed by Fe~(3+), the template PMMA microspheres were removed with toluene to form MPPCPE. The SEA on the electrode was monitored by anodic stripping voltammetry (ASV) analysis using the method of gold nanoparticle-catalyzed silver enhancement. Compared with previous magnetic carbon paste electrode (MCPE), the detection sensitivity was dramatically increased. A linear relationship between the anodic stripping peak current and the concentration of SEA from 0.02 to 1 μg/mL and a limit of detection as low as 0.01 μg/mL were obtained using MPPCPE.
机译:描述了一种新颖且灵敏的基于磁性多孔伪碳糊电极(MPPCPE)的电化学传感器,用于血吸虫卵抗原(SEA)检测。 MPPCPE是通过将聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯微球(PMMA)作为模板,磁粉和石墨粉作为填充剂以及吡咯作为实际上充当糊剂的聚合物的前体混合而成的。 Fe〜(3+)催化的吡咯聚合反应完成后,用甲苯去除模板的PMMA微球,形成MPPCPE。使用金纳米颗粒催化的银增强方法,通过阳极溶出伏安法(ASV)分析监测电极上的SEA。与以前的磁性碳糊电极(MCPE)相比,检测灵敏度大大提高。使用MPPCPE获得的阳极溶出峰电流与SEA浓度在0.02至1μg/ mL之间呈线性关系,检出限低至0.01μg/ mL。



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