首页> 外文期刊>Bulletin of insectology >Approaching and rostrum protrusion behaviours ofRhynocoris marginatus on three prey chemical cues

Approaching and rostrum protrusion behaviours ofRhynocoris marginatus on three prey chemical cues


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Rhynocoris marginatus (F.) (Heteroptera Reduviidae) is a polyphagous predator predominantly found in agroecosystems, and theirbordering ecosystems like scrub jungles, semi-arid zones and forests in India. Although R. marginatus is a polyphagous predator, itexhibited a certain degree of host specificity. Due to its predatory potential, R. marginatus has been used as an important biologicalcontrol agent in India. Laboratory and field trials showed that R. marginatus feeds mainly on lepidopteran pests followed by coleop-teran pests. R. marginatus locates the preys by the chemical cues emanating from them. Approaching and rostrum protrusion behav-iours of R. marginatus life stages on hexane extract of three groundnut pests, Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner) (Lepidoptera Noctui-dae), Spodoptera litura (F.) (Lepidoptera Noctuidae) and Mylabris pustulata (Thunberg) (Coleoptera Meloidae). Significantly R.marginatus adult was found to be more responsive to the chemical cues of S. litura (62.5%) followed by H. armigera (60%) and Mpustulata (40%). R. marginatus showed minimal preference to M pustulata chemical cues as compared to H. armigera and S. liturachemical cusses. The prey's chemical cues elicited a quicker approaching behaviour of the predator than the control. Moreover therostrum protrusion time was also higher in the prey chemical cues categories as compared to the control. The results clearly showthe role of prey chemical cues in prey-predator interaction. GC-MS analysis of the prey chemical cues indicated H. armigera, Mpustulata and S. litura contains eight, eight and five saturated hydrocarbons, respectively.
机译:Rhynocoris marginatus(F.)(Heteroptera Reduviidae)是多食性捕食者,主要存在于农业生态系统及其边界生态系统中,如印度的丛林,半干旱地区和森林。尽管边缘R.是多食性捕食者,但它表现出一定程度的宿主特异性。由于其潜在的掠食性,缘缘罗非鱼已在印度用作重要的生物防治剂。实验室和田间试验表明,边缘缘红螺主要以鳞翅目害虫为食,其次是鞘翅目害虫。 R.marginatus通过源于猎物的化学线索来定位猎物。三种花生害虫,棉铃虫(Hubner)(鳞翅目夜蛾科),斜纹夜蛾(F.)(鳞翅目夜蛾)和Mylabris脓疱(Thunberg)的己烷提取物中正缘毛虫生命阶段的接近和母体伸出期行为鞘翅目(Coleoptera Meloidae)。值得注意的是,已发现R.marginatus成虫对斜纹链球菌(62.5%),棉铃虫(60%)和桔梗(40%)的化学提示更敏感。与棉铃虫和利尿链球菌相比,边缘缘红螺菌显示出对脓疱霉化学线索的偏好最小。捕食者的化学线索比控制者引起掠食者更快的接近行为。此外,与对照相比,在猎物化学线索类别中,球茎突出时间也更长。结果清楚地表明了猎物化学线索在猎物与食肉动物相互作用中的作用。猎物化学线索的GC-MS分析表明,棉铃虫,Mpustulata和斜纹葡萄球菌分别包含八种,八种和五种饱和烃。



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