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Academic freedom in Israel and Palestine


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Many readers of this journal will, like me, have colleagues whose research we respect, with whom we have collaborated, and among whom we have friends. Yyet, these relationships have been overshadowed by the human rights abuses inflicted against the Ppalestinians, Iisrael’s flouting of UuN resolutions and its indifference to international law. Iin 2002, this unease was given public expression with the call for European researchers to cease collaborating with Iisraeli academic institutions through the Framework Pprogramme until Iisrael made serious moves towards a just and lasting peace. Hundreds of academics signed. Hanna Nasir, president of the leading West Bank university, Birzeit, sent a brief e-mail thanking the signatories: “We thought Europe had forgotten us.” Iin the years that followed,and especially after Iisrael’s invasion of Ggaza, the academic boycott has become a small part of a growing movement of civil society who are angry, even despairing, at the failure of international institutions and governments to rein in Iisrael.
机译:与我一样,该杂志的许多读者也会有同事,我们尊重他们的研究,我们与之合作,并且我们之中也有朋友。但是,这些关系已因对巴勒斯坦人的侵犯人权行为,伊斯雷尔对联合国决议的蔑视以及对国际法的漠不关心而被掩盖。自2002年起,这种不安情绪就被公开表达,并呼吁欧洲研究人员停止通过“框架计划”与伊斯雷利学术机构合作,直到伊斯雷尔为实现公正与持久和平作出认真的努力。数百名学者签约。领先的西岸大学比尔泽特分校校长汉娜·纳西尔(Hanna Nasir)发送了一封简短的电子邮件,感谢签署者:“我们认为欧洲已经忘记了我们。”在随后的几年中,尤其是在以斯雷尔入侵加沙之后,学术抵制已成为民间社会不断发展的运动的一小部分,他们对国际机构和政府未能控制伊斯雷尔感到愤怒,甚至感到绝望。



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