首页> 外文期刊>EMBO reports >Inheritance of poor writing habits. to improve scientific writing we must break the chain of transmission of complex writing style from senior to junior scientists

Inheritance of poor writing habits. to improve scientific writing we must break the chain of transmission of complex writing style from senior to junior scientists


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The volume of scientific literatureis enormous, but it is largely inaccessible to non-expert readers, including scientists from other fields. This is not just because the content is highly specialized but also because scientific writing itself is far from simple and clear. Generations of editors, reviewers and readers have struggled to understand complex, exaggerated and often pompous prose that does little to enhance the reader's understanding but aims to demonstrate the scholarly prowess of the author. The causes go beyond an inadequate command of the English language: they are rooted in long-standing practices that value pretentiousness over clear communication. These practices are passed down from senior to junior scientists, which explains why scientific writing remains generally poor despite regular criticism. It will take the combined efforts of scientists, research institutions and scientific journals to achieve a marked and long-lasting improvement.



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