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Garden Bird Talk


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August is a quiet month with most birds' energy being used to renew their feathers, writes Dominic Couzens, but there's some strange behaviour in the garden and a Summer glut to Watch -- and both involve ants. It's quite common in August to have whatlooks like a deserted garden, as far as birds are concerned. The feeders aren't doing much trade and the trees and bushes are strangely devoid of calls and rustling, the normal signs of bird activity. Sometimes this causes us to worry that our favouritecharacters, the missing robin and blackbird, say, have somehow succumbed to disease at the end of the breeding season or have lowered their guard enough to be picked off bythe local sparrowhawkor cat.
机译:多米尼克·库森斯(Dominic Couzens)写道,八月是一个安静的月份,大多数鸟类的精力都用来更新羽毛,但是花园里有些奇怪的举动,还有夏天要注意的过量食物-都涉及蚂蚁。就鸟类而言,八月有一个看起来像荒凉的花园的现象很普遍。喂食器的交易不多,树木和灌木丛奇怪地没有鸣叫和沙沙作响的声音,这是鸟类活动的正常迹象。有时,这使我们担心,我们的最爱人物(例如失踪的知更鸟和黑鸟)在繁殖季节结束时以某种方式屈服于疾病,或者降低了警惕,以至于无法被当地的雀鹰或猫捉拿。



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