首页> 外文期刊>Egyptian Journal of Agronomy >Effects of sowing dates and urea foliar application on growth and seed yield of determinate faba bean ( Vicia faba L. ) under Egyptian Conditions

Effects of sowing dates and urea foliar application on growth and seed yield of determinate faba bean ( Vicia faba L. ) under Egyptian Conditions


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Two field experiments were conducted during the two winter seasons of 1999/2000 and 2000/2001 in the Experimental Farm, of the National Research Center, A at Shalakan, Kaluobia Govemorte . The experiment aimed to study the effect of sowing date 15 October, 1 November and 15 November and urea foliar application at rate of (0,1,2 and 3 percent ) on growth and yield of determinate faba bean (Vicia faba L.) (FLIP-87-117). Results indicate that early sowing resulted in greater growth and yield than latersowing yield during the two growing seasons , but this effects was larger in 1999/2000 than 2000/2001. Growth , yield and protein content of faba bean were higher when faba bean was sprayed by 2 percent urea than 0 , 1 or 2 percent in both seasons but this effect was larger in 1999/2000 than 2000/2001. 100 - seed weight, yield ton/ha and harvest index were higher when utilize each sowing date with 2 percent urea as foliar fertilization.
机译:在Kaluobia Govemorte的Shalakan的国家研究中心A的实验农场中,在1999/2000和2000/2001的两个冬季进行了两次野外试验。该实验旨在研究10月15日,11月1日和11月15日播种以及叶面喷施尿素(0、1、2和3%)对确定的蚕豆(Vicia faba L.)生长和产量的影响( FLIP-87-117)。结果表明,在两个生长季节中,早播比晚播具有更大的生长量和产量,但在1999/2000年这种效应大于2000/2001年。在两个季节中,使用2%尿素喷洒蚕豆时,蚕豆的生长,产量和蛋白质含量均高于0、1、2%,但1999/2000年的影响大于2​​000/2001。当在每个播种期使用2%尿素作叶面肥时,种子重量,产量吨/公顷和收获指数均较高,为100。



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