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Adapting the type-curve approach for estimating reservoir rock permeability


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This study introduces a type-curve technique forestimating rock permeability from capillary pressuremeasurements. The Brooks and Corey model in conjunction withthe Wyllie and Gardner model were basis for the development ofthis type-curve approach. The Wyllie and Garden permeabilitymodel was used as the starting point for obtaining an analyticalexpression for permeability as a function of displacement pressure(Pd), pore geometrical factor (λ), interfacial tension (γ), fractionof pore volume available for flow (φ*), and porous mediumconfiguration parameters (βand n). The last parameters (βand n)are assumed to be functions of porosity and irreducible watersaturations, respectively. Parameters λ and Pd are determined bymatching the actual rock capillary pressure versus wetting-phasesaturation (Pc-Sw) profile with that obtained from the Brooks and Corey model.Capillary pressure data for 62 rock samples representing avariety of sandstone and carbonate facies were used to test thinapproach. Permeability (k) of these samples ranged from less than7 md to over 2500 md, and porosity (φ) ranged from 12 to 32%.In general, laboratory-measured permeability values matchedreasonably well estimated permeability values using the proposedtype-curve approach. An average absolute relative error of 7% wasobtained with a standard deviation of 6%. For carbonate rockscharacterized by a bimodal pore- size distribution, the capillarypressure data match in some cases two distinct type-curves ratherthan one. The use of an average pore geometrical factor for thesecases is recommended, since it gives an accurate estimate ofpermeability. The use of this type-curve approach is restricted toair-brine drainage capillary data. This approach improvesconsiderably the permeability evaluation from capillary pressuremeasurements, since it is based on the whole capillary pressureprofile data rather than a single point and since it does not requirean advance knowledge of fudge factors related to rock poregeometry. The approach is direct and is not plagued by any trial-and-error procedures.
机译:这项研究引入了一种类型曲线技术,该技术通过毛细压力测量来确定岩石的渗透率。 Brooks和Corey模型以及Wyllie和Gardner模型是这种类型曲线方法发展的基础。使用Wyllie和Garden渗透率模型作为获得渗透率随位移压力(Pd),孔几何因子(λ),界面张力(γ),可用于流动的孔体积分数(φ*)的函数的解析表达式的起点,以及多孔介质配置参数(β和n)。假定最后一个参数(β和n)分别是孔隙率和不可还原水饱和度的函数。参数λ和Pd是通过将实际岩石毛细管压力与润湿相饱和度(Pc-Sw)曲线与从Brooks and Corey模型获得的曲线相匹配来确定的.62个岩石样品的毛细管压力数据代表了各种砂岩和碳酸盐岩相,用于测试稀疏的方法。这些样品的渗透率(k)范围从小于7 md到超过2500 md,并且孔隙率(φ)的范围从12%到32%。通常,实验室测量的渗透率值使用建议的类型曲线方法合理地很好地估计了渗透率值。获得的平均绝对相对误差为7%,标准偏差为6%。对于以双峰孔径分布为特征的碳酸盐岩,毛管压力数据在某些情况下匹配两个不同的类型曲线,而不是一个。建议对这些情况使用平均孔几何因子,因为它可以对渗透率做出准确的估算。这种类型的曲线方法的使用仅限于空气盐水引流毛细管数据。这种方法极大地改善了毛细管压力测量的渗透率评估,因为它是基于整个毛细管压力曲线数据而不是单个点,并且不需要对岩石孔隙几何相关的软化因子有深入的了解。这种方法是直接的,不受任何试错程序的困扰。



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