首页> 外文期刊>Economie rurale >L'evolution des politiques francaise et espagnole de l'eau. Entre directives communautaires et decentralisation administrative. (The Evolution of French and Spanish Water Policies: European Directives and Administrative Decentralization. With English

L'evolution des politiques francaise et espagnole de l'eau. Entre directives communautaires et decentralisation administrative. (The Evolution of French and Spanish Water Policies: European Directives and Administrative Decentralization. With English

机译:法国和西班牙水政策的演变。在社区指令和行政权力下放之间。 (法国和西班牙水政策的演变:欧洲指令和行政分权。英文)

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The Water Framework Directive compels Member States to adopt a sustainable management of that resource, in order to attain, in the medium term (2015), a "good ecological state" of water and aquatic systems. Responding to the European norm, all the States have initiated reforms of their national water policies. An analysis of the main developments of French and Spanish legislations allows on the one hand to inquire about the changes in water management to which the reform leads and on the other hand to evaluate the difficulties met in the application of the principles promulgated by the Water Framework Directive, this in two very different political and administrative contexts.



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