首页> 外文期刊>Earth Surface Processes and Landforms: The journal of the British Geomorphological Research Group >Assessment of 80 years of ancient-badlands restoration in Salda?a, Spain

Assessment of 80 years of ancient-badlands restoration in Salda?a, Spain


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This paper presents the history of badland generated in the Salda?a region, Spain; as well as the main responses eight decades after the start of restoration - in terms of vegetation, soil and erosive processes. The restoration consisted of intense reforestation and construction of more than 100 check dams and numerous wattle fences. Presently, the dense vegetation (87% cover) contrasts markedly with the degraded landscape from the early 20th century (5% cover). The thickness of litter and the natural presence of some species (Quercus pyrenaica, Paeonia broteroi and Lactarius deliciosus) clearly indicate the recovery of the site. The development of the forest cover shows that the intervention has the potential to recover almost 90% of the area. There is also evidence of soil regeneration, although some properties (erodibility, resistance to penetration and shear-strength resistance) are not that different between the forested and degraded areas. In the restored zones, runoff is negligible, since a thick layer of moss covers the spillways of all the check dams. Erosion has almost been stopped by the effects of vegetation cover, litter and higher infiltration rates (infiltration rate in forested slopes is 43.4 times greater than in bare slopes). Sediment detachment, such as landslides, mudflows and piping, still occur, but are restricted to the degraded zones. Furthermore, even when sediments are mobilized from the upper degraded hillslopes during the larger storms events (2000-2010), check dams and the lower elevation restored forest-buffers effectively work to reduce the sediment yield into the Carrión River by almost three orders of magnitude (<10~2 mg L~(-1)), compared with data from the 1930s and 1940s (>10~5 mg L~(-1)).
机译:本文介绍了西班牙萨尔达地区的荒地历史。以及恢复开始八十年后的主要反应-就植被,土壤和侵蚀过程而言。修复工作包括密集的植树造林以及建造100多个检查坝和数个篱笆。目前,茂密的植被(覆盖率达87%)与20世纪初的退化景观(覆盖率达5%)形成鲜明对比。凋落物的厚度和某些物种(栎(Quercus pyrenaica),凤尾Pa药(Paeonia broteroi)和美味乳杆菌(Lactarius deliciosus))的自然存在清楚地表明了该地点的恢复。森林覆盖物的发展表明,该干预措施有可能恢复几乎90%的面积。也有土壤再生的证据,尽管在森林和退化地区之间某些特性(侵蚀性,抗渗透性和抗剪切强度)没有太大差异。在恢复区,径流可以忽略不计,因为厚厚的苔藓覆盖了所有止水坝的溢洪道。植被覆盖,枯枝落叶和较高的入渗率几乎已阻止了侵蚀(森林坡的入渗率是裸坡的43.4倍)。泥石流如泥石流,泥石流和管道仍会发生,但仅限于退化地区。此外,即使在较大的暴风雨事件(2000-2010年)期间从上部退化的山坡上移走了沉积物,止水坝和较低海拔的森林缓冲带也有效地将进入Carrión河的沉积物产量降低了近三个数量级。 (<10〜2 mg L〜(-1)),与1930年代和1940年代的数据(> 10〜5 mg L〜(-1))比较。



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