首页> 外文期刊>Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology >Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay toxicity evaluation method for dioxins in human milk

Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay toxicity evaluation method for dioxins in human milk


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The contamination of food and the ecosystem by dioxins and its resultant effects on our health have been drawing much attention from the public. Thus, the investigation of human exposure to dioxins is an urgent and important task for the government.Since the Law Concerning Special Measures against Dioxins (Environmental Agency of Japan, 1999) became effective in Japan in 1999, the number of substances to be sampled and measured are expected to increase. Conventionally, high resolution gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (HR-GC-MS) has been used for the measurement of dioxins. However, a GC-MS method has a drawback in that it requires a complicated cleanup procedure for measurement of all types of samples as well as it is very time-consuming andextremely expensive to perform. Thus, the development of a method for measuring dioxins, which is inexpensive, easy to perform, and highly sensitive, has been highly demanded by the public and the government. One of the methods that may satisfy these requirements is an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), and there have been some reports on the measurement of dioxins using ELISA. However, most of the reports dealt with standard substances (Stanker et al. 1987; Sugawara et al. 1998; Carlson et al.1998), fly ash (Harrison et al. 1997; Zennegg et al. 1998; Li et al. 1999), soil (Harrison et al. 1997; Harrison et al. 1998; Harrison et al. 1999), sediment (Li et al. 1999), and chimney soot (Zennegg et al. 1999), which contained dioxins in high concentrations. There has been no report on a practical assay that can deal with biological samples containing dioxins in extremely low concentrations such as human milk and blood. The conventional ELISA has been considered as a simple screening method, but less reliable compared with the GC-MS method.
机译:二恶英对食物和生态系统的污染及其对我们健康的影响已经引起了公众的极大关注。因此,调查人体对二恶英的暴露是政府的一项紧迫而重要的任务。自1999年《关于二恶英的特殊措施法》(日本环境厅,1999年)在日本生效以来,要采样的物质数量和预计将增加。常规地,高分辨率气相色谱/质谱法(HR-GC-MS)已用于测量二恶英。但是,GC-MS方法的缺点在于,它需要复杂的净化程序来测量所有类型的样品,并且非常耗时且执行起来极其昂贵。因此,公众和政府强烈要求开发一种廉价,易于执行且高度敏感的二恶英测量方法。可以满足这些要求的方法之一是酶联免疫吸附测定(ELISA),并且已经有一些使用ELISA测量二恶英的报道。然而,大多数报道涉及标准物质(Stanker等,1987; Sugawara等,1998; Carlson等,1998),粉煤灰(Harrison等,1997; Zennegg等,1998; Li等,1999)。 ),土壤(Harrison等,1997; Harrison等,1998; Harrison等,1999),沉积物(Li等,1999)和烟囱烟灰(Zennegg等,1999),其中都含有高浓度的二恶英。尚无关于可用于处理人乳和血液等极低浓度二恶英的生物样品的实用测定方法的报道。传统的ELISA被认为是一种简单的筛选方法,但与GC-MS方法相比,可靠性较低。



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