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The international monetary system in the last and next 20 years


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The last two decades have seen far-reaching changes in the structure of the international monetary system.Europe moved from the European Monetary System to the euro.China adopted a dollar peg and then moved to a basket,band and crawl in 2005.Emerging markets passed through a series of crises,leading some to adopt regimes of greater exchange rate flexibility and others to rethink the pace of capital account liberalization.Interpreting these developments is no easy task:some observers conclude that recent trends are confirmation of the 'bipolar view' that intermediate exchange rate arrangements are disappearing,while members of the fear of floating school' conclude precisely the opposite.We show that the two views can be reconciled if one distinguishes countries by their stage of economic and financial development.Among the advanced countries,intermediate regimes have essentially disappeared;this supports the bipolar view for the group of countries for which it was first developed.Within this subgroup,the dominant movement has been toward hard pegs,reflecting monetary unification in Europe.While emerging markets have also seen a decline in the prevalence of intermediate arrangements,these regimes still account for more than a third of the relevant subsample.Here the majority of the evacuees have moved to floats rather than fixes,reflecting the absence of EMU-like arrangements in other parts of the world.Among developing countries,the prevalence of intermediate regimes has again declined,but less dramatically.Where these regimes accounted for two-thirds of the developing country subsample in 1990,they account for a bit more than half of that subsample today.As with emerging markets,the majority of those abandoning the middle have moved to floats rather than hard pegs.The gradual nature of these trends does not suggest that intermediate regimes will disappear outside the advanced countries anytime soon.
机译:在过去的二十年中,国际货币体系的结构发生了深远的变化。欧洲从欧洲货币体系转向了欧元。中国采用美元钉住汇率制,然后在2005年转向一篮子,一带一团地爬行。经历了一系列危机,导致一些人采取更大的汇率灵活性制度,而另一些人重新考虑资本账户自由化的步伐。解释这些发展绝非易事:一些观察者得出结论,认为近期趋势证实了“双极观点”。中间汇率安排正在消失,而担心浮动学校的成员得出的结论恰恰相反。我们表明,如果一个人根据其经济和金融发展阶段来区分它们,那么这两种观点是可以调和的。在发达国家中,中间政权基本上已经消失了;这支持了它最初发展的国家集团的双极观点。这一子群体的主导运动已转向强硬钉住,反映了欧洲的货币统一。尽管新兴市场中间安排的普及率也有所下降,但这些制度仍占相关子样本的三分之一以上。的撤离者转移到了浮动而不是固定的地方,这反映出世界其他地区缺乏类似动车组的安排。在发展中国家中,中间政权的流行率再次下降,但幅度不那么大。在这些政权中, 1990年发展中国家样本中的三分之二,占今天样本总数的一半以上。与新兴市场一样,大多数放弃中间货币的国家已经转向浮动汇率制,而不是固定汇率制。这些趋势的渐进性确实并不暗示中间政权很快就会在先进国家之外消失。



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