首页> 外文期刊>Earth and Planetary Science Letters: A Letter Journal Devoted to the Development in Time of the Earth and Planetary System >In situ cosmogenic Be-10 and Ne-21 in sanidine and in situ cosmogenic He-3 in Fe-Ti-oxide minerals

In situ cosmogenic Be-10 and Ne-21 in sanidine and in situ cosmogenic He-3 in Fe-Ti-oxide minerals


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We report concentrations of in situ cosmogenic Be-10 and Ne-21 from coexisting quartz and sanidine separates and of cosmogenic He-3 in coexisting Fe-Ti-oxide minerals from ignimbritic successions of northern Chile (Oxaya and Lauca ignimbrites). New mineral-isotope pairs such as sanidine and Fe-Ti-oxide minerals are helpful in quantitative geomorphology for geological settings where the lithology lacks the commonly used minerals quartz, pyroxene or olivine. Production rates in sanidine and Fe-Ti-oxide minerals were determined by normalizing nuclide concentrations to established production rates in quartz. The experimentally determined production rates are compared to model production rates calculated with new cross-sections for He-3, Ne-21, and Be-10 production from the individual target elements. The mean experimental Ne-21 production rate for five sanidine samples is 30.4 +/- 3.7 atoms g(-1) yr(-1) (30.4 +/- 5.4 atoms g(-1) yr(-1) including the uncertainty of the Ne-21 production rate in quartz, (PNeqtz)-Ne-21). This is in excellent agreement with the modelled value of 28.3 atoms g(-1) yr(-1), which has an estimated uncertainty of 20%. The Ne-21 production rate in sanidine is thus about 50% higher than that in quartz. The cosmogenic neon in sanidine is entirely released in low temperature steps (400-600 degrees C) and no signs of an interfering nucleogenic neon component were observed. This is in stark contrast to quartz and makes sanidine an attractive mineral for terrestrial cosmogenic neon studies. He-3 diffuses out of the sanidine structure. Preliminary results also indicate that sanidine is well suited for Be-10 studies. The mean experimental Be-10 production rate from two sanidine samples is 4.45 +/- 0.38 atoms g(-1) yr(-1) (4.45 +/- 0.42 atoms g(-1) yr-1 including uncertainty of (PBeqtz)-Be-10), very close to the modelled value of 4.55 atoms g(-1) yr(-1), which has an estimated uncertainty of 20%. We emphasize that Be-10 and Ne-21 production in sanidine is composition dependent. Therefore, major element analyses should be carried out and production rates calculated on a sample by sample basis.Fe-Ti-oxide minerals retain He-3 quantitatively. Experimentally derived production rates are in excellent agreement with new values derived from physical modelling. The mean experimental He-3 production rate for five Fe-Ti-oxide minerals samples is 120 +/- 11 atoms g(-1) yr(-1) (120 +/- 12 atoms g(-1) yr(-1) including the uncertainties of (PNeqtz)-Ne-21), compared to a mean modelled value of 124 atoms g(-1) yr(-1), which has an estimated uncertainty of 20%. The variable chemical and structural composition of the solid solution lines of Fe-Ti-oxide minerals has little effect on the total He-3 production rate. CosmogeniC Ne-21 is not produced in significant quantities in Fe-Ti-oxide minerals due to the absence of suitable target elements. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
机译:我们报告了智利石英和桑定岩分离共存的原位宇宙成因Be-10和Ne-21以及智利北部(Oxaya和Lauca褐煤成因)的火成岩演替中共存的Fe-Ti-氧化物氧化物中的宇宙成因He-3的浓度。新的矿物-同位素对,如山idine和Fe-Ti-氧化物矿物,有助于岩性缺乏常用矿物石英,辉石或橄榄石的地质环境中的定量地貌。通过将核素浓度归一化为石英中确定的生产率,可以确定山梨和Fe-Ti-氧化物矿物质的生产率。将实验确定的生产率与通过单个目标元素的He-3,Ne-21和Be-10生产率的新横截面计算出的模型生产率进行比较。五个Sanidine样品的平均实验Ne-21生产率为30.4 +/- 3.7原子g(-1)yr(-1)(30.4 +/- 5.4原子g(-1)yr(-1)包括不确定性石英的Ne-21生产率(PNeqtz)-Ne-21)。这与28.3个原子g(-1)yr(-1)的模型值非常吻合,该模型的估计不确定度为20%。因此,在Sanidine中,Ne-21的生产率比在石英中高约50%。在低温步骤​​(400-600摄氏度)中,山idine中的宇宙性霓虹灯会完全释放出来,并且没有观察到干扰核仁霓虹灯成分的迹象。这与石英形成了鲜明的对比,并使得Sanidine成为陆地宇宙产生氖氖研究的诱人矿物。 He-3从Sanidine结构中扩散出来。初步结果还表明,尿苷非常适合Be-10研究。从两个Sanidine样品获得的平均Be-10生产实验速率为4.45 +/- 0.38原子g(-1)yr(-1)(4.45 +/- 0.42原子g(-1)yr-1包括(PBeqtz)的不确定性-Be-10),非常接近4.55个原子g(-1)yr(-1)的模型值,该模型的估计不确定度为20%。我们强调,在Sanidine中生产Be-10和Ne-21取决于成分。因此,应进行主要元素分析并逐个样品地计算生产率.Fe-Ti-氧化物矿物质定量保留He-3。实验得出的生产率与物理模型得出的新值非常吻合。五个Fe-Ti-氧化物矿物样品的平均实验He-3生产率为120 +/- 11原子g(-1)yr(-1)(120 +/- 12原子g(-1)yr(-1) )包括(PNeqtz)-Ne-21)的不确定性,与124个原子的平均模型值g(-1)yr(-1)相比,其不确定性估计为20%。 Fe-Ti-氧化物矿物的固溶体线的可变化学和结构组成对He-3的总生产率几乎没有影响。由于缺乏合适的目标元素,在Fe-Ti-氧化物中未大量产生CosmogeniC Ne-21。 (c)2005 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。



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