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Testing optically stimulated luminescence dating of sand-sized quartz and feldspar from fluvial deposits


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We apply single=aliquot optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating to quartz- and feldspar-rich extracts from fluvial channel deposits of the Rhine-Meuse system in The Netherlands. The time of deposition of these deposits is tightly constrained by radiocarbon dating or historical sources. This allows us to compare OSL ages obtained on quartz and infrared OSL (IR-OSL) ages obtained on potassium-rich feldspar with independent ages over the range of 0.3-13 ka. We show that the quartz OSL ages are in good agreement with the expected age. Using IR-OSL dating of feldspar, we find a slight age overestimate for the youngest sample, whereas for older samples the age is significantly underestimated. We also apply OSL dating to older fluvial and estuarine channel deposits with limited independent chronological constraints. Comparison of feldspar IR-OSL ages with the quartz OSL ages up to ~200 ka shows a clear trend, where the former severely underestimates the latter. This trend is similar to that found for the samples with independent age control, indicating that the feldspar IR-OSL ages are erroneously young for the entire age range. In the youngest samples, incomplete resetting of the IR-OSL signal prior to deposition probably masks the age underestimation. We show that the IR-OSL age underestimation is partly caused by changes in trapping probability due to preheating. Correction for this phenomenon improves the IR-OSL ages slightly, but does not provide a complete solution to the discrepancy. We suggest that, in the light of the problems encountered in the IR-OSL dating of feldspar, quartz is the mineral of choice for OSL dating of these deposits. However, feldspar dating should continue to be investigated, because it has potential application to longer time scales.
机译:我们对来自荷兰莱茵河-默兹系统河流通道沉积物的富含石英和长石的提取物应用单等分光激发发光(OSL)。这些沉积物的沉积时间受到放射性碳年代测定法或历史资料的严格限制。这使我们可以比较在石英上获得的OSL年龄和在0.3-13 ka范围内具有独立年龄的富含钾长石获得的红外OSL(IR-OSL)年龄。我们显示石英OSL的年龄与预期的年龄非常吻合。使用长石的IR-OSL测年,我们发现最年轻的样本的年龄略有高估,而年龄较大的样本的年龄则被大大低估了。我们还将OSL应用于具有有限的独立时间限制的较早的河流和河口河道沉积物。长石IR-OSL年龄与石英OSL年龄高达〜200 ka的比较显示出明显的趋势,前者严重低估了后者。这种趋势类似于具有独立年龄控制的样本所发现的趋势,表明长石IR-OSL年龄在整个年龄范围内都是错误的年轻。在最年轻的样本中,沉积之前IR-OSL信号的不完全重置可能掩盖了年龄偏低的现象。我们表明,IR-OSL年龄低估部分是由于预热引起的捕集概率变化所致。对此现象进行校正可以稍微改善IR-OSL的使用期限,但不能为差异提供完整的解决方案。我们建议,鉴于长石的IR-OSL测年遇到的问题,石英是这些矿床OSL测年的首选矿物。但是,长石测年应该继续进行研究,因为它有可能应用于更长的时间尺度。



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