首页> 外文期刊>Earth and Planetary Science Letters: A Letter Journal Devoted to the Development in Time of the Earth and Planetary System >Impact of lower plate structure on upper plate deformation at the NW Sumatran convergent margin from seafloor morphology

Impact of lower plate structure on upper plate deformation at the NW Sumatran convergent margin from seafloor morphology


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We present results from multibeam bathymetric data acquired during 2005 and 2006, in the region of maximum slip of the 26 Dec. 2004 earthquake (Mw 9.2). These data provide high-resolution images of seafloor morphology of the entire NW Sumatra forearc from the Sunda trench to the submarine volcanic arc just north of Sumatra. A slope gradient analysis of the combined dataset accurately highlights those portions of the seafloor shaped by active tectonic, depositional and/or erosional processes. The greatest slope gradients are located in the frontal 30 km of the forearc, at the toe of the accretionary wedge. This suggests that long-term deformation rates are highest here and that probably only minor amounts of slip are accommodated by other thrust faults further landward. Obvious N-S oriented lineaments observed on the incoming oceanic plate are aligned sub-parallel to the fracture zones associated with the Wharton fossil spreading center. Active strike-slip motion is suggested by recent deformation with up to 20-30 m of vertical offset. The intersection of these N-S elongated bathymetric scarps with the accretionary wedge partly controls the geometry of thrust anticlines and the location of erosional features (e.g. slide scars, canyons) at the wedge toe. Our interpretation suggests that these N-S lineaments have a significant impact on the oceanic plate, the toe of the wedge and further landward in the wedge. Finally, the bathymetric data indicate that folding at the front of the accretionary wedge occurs primarily along landward-vergent (seaward-dipping) thrusts, all unusual style in accretionary wedges worldwide. The N-S elongated lineaments locally act as boundaries between zones with predominant seaward versus landward vergence.
机译:我们介绍了在2005年和2006年获得的多波束测深数据的结果,该数据位于2004年12月26日地震的最大滑动区域(Mw 9.2)。这些数据提供了从苏达海峡到苏门答腊以北海底火山弧的整个苏门答腊西北地区前臂的海底形态的高分辨率图像。组合数据集的斜率梯度分析可以准确地突出显示由活动构造,沉积和/或侵蚀作用形成的海底部分。最大的坡度梯度位于前臂的前30 km,在增生楔的脚趾处。这表明长期变形率最高,其他推力断层进一步向陆滑移仅能容纳少量的滑动。在进入的洋洋板块上观察到的明显的N-S取向的构造与与沃顿顿化石扩散中心相关的断裂带大致平行。最近的变形暗示了有效的走滑运动,垂直偏移高达20-30 m。这些N-S伸长的测深陡坡与增生楔的相交部分控制着逆冲背斜的几何形状以及楔形趾处的侵蚀特征(如滑动疤痕,峡谷)的位置。我们的解释表明,这些N-S纹对海洋板块,楔形物的趾头和楔形物的进一步降落具有重大影响。最后,测深数据表明,增生楔的前部折叠主要发生在陆上-渐近(海倾)推力上,这在全世界增生楔中都是不寻常的。 N-S拉长的纹路在局部上以海向与陆向聚散为主。


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