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Redefining the role of experiment in Bacon's natural history: How Baconian was descartes before emerging from his cocoon?


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In this article we argue that the views that Francis Bacon and René Descartes held about the role of experiments in the process of discovery are closer than previously accepted. Looking at the way experiments and the heuristics of experimentation are embedded in Bacon's posthumous History of Dense and Rare and Descartes' Discourses 8, 9, 10 of the Meteorology, we will show that experiments help the investigator both in solving specific problems that could not have otherwise been foreseen and in generating relevant information that advances the scope of the investigation.
机译:在本文中,我们认为弗朗西斯·培根(Francis Bacon)和雷内·笛卡尔(RenéDescartes)对实验在发现过程中的作用的观点与以前所接受的观点相近。考察培根的遗D《稀疏和稀有的历史》和笛卡尔的《气象学》第8、9、10条中嵌入的实验和实验启发法,我们将证明实验可以帮助研究人员解决无法解决的特定问题否则会预见到其他情况,并会生成相关信息以扩大调查范围。



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