首页> 外文期刊>Ecological engineering: The Journal of Ecotechnology >Plant effects on microbial assemblages and remediation of acidic coal pile runoff in mesocosm treatment wetlands

Plant effects on microbial assemblages and remediation of acidic coal pile runoff in mesocosm treatment wetlands


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Constructed treatment mesocosm wetland systems comprised of an anaerobic wetland followed by two aerobic wetlands and differing in aerobic wetland composition (real plants,plastic plants,no plants) and order (shallow aerobic wetland followed by deep aerobic wetland or vice versa) were compared to determine if composition or order affect remediation of acidic,metal contaminated water associated with a coal-fired power plant.Aerobic cell composition was varied to determine if native plants have no function,are only structure for bacteria,or improve water quality.The anaerobic cells increased pH from 2.4 to 6.4 and reduced Al,Fe,and Zn by 93-99%.Order of the aerobic cells did not affect water quality.Cells with real versus plastic plants had different bacterial assemblages,but these were not clearly related to water quality differences between the tank types.Cells with real plants had lower pH and NH_4 and higher Fe and Mn,especially during the growing season,than those with plastic plants or without plants.We conclude that plants do affect water quality,in part because they affect bacterial assemblages.Planted aerobic wetlands can help remediate acidic,metal-contaminated water,but may contribute to lower pH and greater Fe and Mn concentrations in treatment effluent.Published by Elsevier B.V.
机译:比较了由厌氧湿地,后两个有氧湿地,有氧湿地组成(真实植物,塑料植物,无植物)和有序植物(浅需氧湿地,然后是深需氧湿地,反之亦然)组成的处理过的中观湿地系统如果组成或顺序影响与燃煤电厂相关的酸性,金属污染水的修复。需氧细胞组成的变化可确定原生植物是否没有功能,仅是细菌结构或改善水质。厌氧细胞增加pH从2.4降低到6.4,Al,Fe和Zn减少了93-99%。好氧细胞的顺序对水质没有影响。实际植物与塑料植物的细胞具有不同的细菌组合,但与水质没有明显关系与塑料植物相比,真实植物的细胞具有较低的pH和NH_4以及较高的Fe和Mn,特别是在生长季节我们得出的结论是,植物确实会影响水质,部分原因是它们会影响细菌的聚集。人工种植的好氧湿地可以帮助修复酸性,金属污染的水,但可能有助于降低pH值并提高处理废水中的Fe和Mn浓度。 。由Elsevier BV发布



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