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Fuelling the ancient Maya salt industry.


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The ancient Maya of Paynes Creek National Park in coastal southern Belize produced salt by boiling brine in ceramic vessels above fires. The process requires a constant supply of wood to maintain the fires. Charcoal recovered from Chan B'i, an Early Classic (300-600 C.E.) salt work, provides a record of fuel wood selection within a workshop context. Taxonomic identifications reveal a selection preference for species from both mangrove and broadleaf habitats. Wood from the Chrysobalanaceae family dominates the assemblage. Rhizophora mangle L., Laguncularia racemosa (L.) C.F. Gaertn., and Hieronyma sp. were also preferred wood fuel species. A total of 21 species were identified in the assemblage. Charcoal identifications are considered in terms of selection strategies within a heterogeneous landscape to better understand forest exploitation behavior for wood fuel. Selection follows principles of optimal foraging in which transport cost was a principal concern for foragers.
机译:伯利兹南部沿海的佩恩斯溪国家公园的古老玛雅人通过在大火上方的陶瓷容器中煮沸盐水来产生盐分。该过程需要持续供应木材以维持火势。从Chan B'i(一种早期经典(300-600 C.E.)制盐工作)中回收的木炭在车间范围内提供了薪柴选择的记录。分类学鉴定揭示了对来自红树林和阔叶生境的物种的选择偏好。金银花科的木材占主导地位。 Rhizophora mangle L.,Laguncularia racemosa(L.)C.F. Gaertn。和Hieronyma sp。也是首选的木材燃料种类。集合中总共鉴定出21种。根据异质景观中的选择策略来考虑木炭识别,以便更好地了解森林对木材燃料的开采行为。选择遵循最佳觅食原则,在这种原则中,运输成本是觅食者最关心的问题。



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