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Adolescent aesthetic athletes: A group at risk for eating pathology?


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Previous research shows that leanness- and weight-dependent sports increase the risk of developing disturbed eating behaviour. This study investigated whether adolescent aesthetic athletes (n=68, M=14.6. years), particularly ballet dancers and figure skaters, exhibit more eating pathology compared to the general population. Furthermore, it was investigated whether sport-related factors have explanatory value for the dieting behaviour of aesthetic athletes. To asses eating pathology, reliable and valid self-report questionnaires were used including the Eating Disorder Inventory-II, the Children's Eating Disorder Examination-Questionnaire and the Dutch Eating Behaviour Questionnaire. Results show that female aesthetic athletes show more drive for thinness, features of bulimia, dieting behaviour and concerns about weight and shape compared to female adolescents from the general population. Concerning the explanation of dieting behaviour in aesthetic athletes, both sport-related factors (competition state anxiety) and general risk factors (eating concern) seem to be relevant. These results suggest that female aesthetic athletes show more disturbed eating behaviour and thoughts than female adolescents from the general population and therefore may have an enhanced risk of developing clinical eating disorders.
机译:先前的研究表明,依赖于瘦身和体重的运动会增加进食行为受干扰的风险。这项研究调查了青春期的审美运动员(n = 68,M = 14.6。岁),尤其是芭蕾舞演员和花样滑冰运动员与一般人群相比是否表现出更多的饮食病理。此外,研究了与体育有关的因素是否对审美运动员的节食行为具有解释价值。为了评估饮食病理,使用了可靠有效的自我报告调查表,包括《饮食失调量表-II》,《儿童饮食失调症调查表》和《荷兰饮食行为问卷》。结果表明,与普通女性青少年相比,女性审美运动员对瘦弱,贪食症的特征,节食行为以及对体重和体形的担忧表现出更多的动力。关于审美运动员节食行为的解释,运动相关因素(竞争状态焦虑)和一般危险因素(饮食关注)似乎都相关。这些结果表明,与一般人群中的女性青少年相比,女性审美运动员的饮食行为和思想受到更多干扰,因此可能会出现临床饮食失调的风险增加。



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