首页> 外文期刊>East Asian science, technology and society: an international journal >Yuri Takhteyev, Coding Places: Software Practice in a South American City Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2012. 257 pp. $34. E. Gabriella Coleman, Coding Freedom: The Ethics and Aesthetics of Hacking Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2012. 254 pp. $24.95

Yuri Takhteyev, Coding Places: Software Practice in a South American City Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2012. 257 pp. $34. E. Gabriella Coleman, Coding Freedom: The Ethics and Aesthetics of Hacking Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2012. 254 pp. $24.95

机译:尤里·塔赫捷耶夫(Yuri Takhteyev),《编码地点:南美城市的软件实践》,麻省剑桥:麻省理工学院出版社,2012年。257页,每页$ 34。 E. Gabriella Coleman,《编码自由:黑客行为的道德与美学》,普林斯顿,新泽西州:普林斯顿大学出版社,2012年。254页,每刊$ 24.95

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Yuri Takhteyev's Coding Places is an ethnographic study of software development in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. As such, it offers a welcome and necessary counterpoint to Gabriella Coleman's Coding Freedom, which examines the culture of free software and open source hackers, primarily in the United States. Coleman's work is an excellent look into the moral world of free software and the pleasures of coding that motivate it. While free software is a critique of the dominant intellectual property regime of the West, it itself stems from and reinterprets a liberal ethics, one which focuses on free speech and individual creative expression.
机译:Yuri Takhteyev的Coding Places是对巴西里约热内卢软件开发的民族志研究。因此,它与加布里埃拉·科尔曼(Gabriella Coleman)的《编码自由》(Coding Freedom)提供了欢迎和必要的对立,后者研究了主要在美国境内的自由软件和开源黑客的文化。 Coleman的作品很好地研究了自由软件的道德世界以及激发自由软件的编码乐趣。尽管自由软件是对西方统治性知识产权制度的一种批判,但它本身源于并重新诠释了一种自由伦理,该伦理侧重于自由言论和个人创造性表达。



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