首页> 外文期刊>Iranian journal of radiation research : >Determination of ~226Ra concentration in bottled mineral water and assessment of effective doses, a survey in Turkey

Determination of ~226Ra concentration in bottled mineral water and assessment of effective doses, a survey in Turkey


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Background: There is a rapid increase worldwide in the consumption of mineral waters which may contain different level of radioactive elements, especially ~226Ra, in addition to varying amounts of beneficial salts. Therefore, a comprehensive study was planned and carried out in order to determine concentration of ~226Ra natural radionuclide in bottled mineral waters that commercially available in Marmara Region of Turkey. Materials and Methods: The method used for ~226Ra concentration analysis bases on the measurement of Radon (~222Rn) coming from ~226Ra dissolved in the water. The measurements were performed using RAD 7, a solid state a detector, with RAD H_2O accessory manufactured by DURRIDGE COMPANY Inc. Results: The ~226Ra concentration in mineral waters was found to vary from <0.074 to 0.625 Bql(-1) with an average value of 0.267 Bql~(-1)The committed effective doses due to ingestion of ~226Ra from the one year consumption of these waters were estimated to range from 10.8 to 90 muSvy~(-1), from 9 to 75 muSvy(-1) and from 3.15 to 26.25 muSvy~(-1), for infants, children and adults, respectively. Conclusion: The results obtained in this study indicate that the committed effective doses are below the WHO (World Health Organization) recommended reference level of 100 muSvy.
机译:背景:矿泉水的消费量在世界范围内迅速增加,除了有益盐的含量不同之外,矿泉水还可能包含不同含量的放射性元素,尤其是〜226Ra。因此,计划并进行了一项综合研究,以确定在土耳其马尔马拉地区市售的瓶装矿泉水中〜226Ra天然放射性核素的浓度。材料与方法:〜226Ra浓度分析的方法基于对溶解于水中的〜226Ra的Rad(〜222Rn)的测量。使用RAD 7(固态检测器)和DURRIDGE COMPANY Inc.制造的RAD H_2O附件进行测量。结果:矿泉水中的〜226Ra浓度平均在<0.074至0.625 Bql(-1)之间变化。值0.267 Bql〜(-1)估计这些水的一年摄入量由于摄入〜226Ra而引起的有效剂量估计为10.8至90 muSvy〜(-1),9至75 muSvy(-1) )和3.15至26.25 muSvy〜(-1),分别适用于婴儿,儿童和成人。结论:本研究获得的结果表明,承诺的有效剂量低于WHO(世界卫生组织)建议的参考水平100 muSvy。



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