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Comparison of fundus autofluorescence with photopic and scotopic fine-matrix mapping in patients with retinitis pigmentosa and normal visual acuity.


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PURPOSE: To compare psychophysically determined spatial variations in photopic and scotopic sensitivity across the macula in patients with retinitis pigmentosa (RP) and normal visual acuity who manifest an abnormal high-density ring of fundus autofluorescence (AF). METHODS: Eleven patients with a clinical diagnosis of RP were examined. All had rod-cone dystrophy (International Society for Clinical Electrophysiology of Vision [ISCEV]-standard ERGs), visual acuity of 6/9 or better, and an abnormal parafoveal annulus of high density AF. Fine-matrix mapping (FMM) was performed over macular areas of abnormal high-density AF under photopic and dark-adapted conditions. Pattern ERGs (PERGs) were performed in 9 of 11 patients, by using different sizes of circular checkerboards. RESULTS: Rings of high-density AF varied between patients (approximately 3 degrees -18 degrees in diameter). Photopic sensitivity was preserved over central macular areas, but there was a gradient of sensitivity loss over high-density segments of the ring and severe threshold elevation outside the arc of the ring. Scotopic sensitivity losses were more severe, and they encroached on areas within the ring. The radius of the high-density ring correlated with the lateral extent of preserved photopic sensitivity (r = 0.86) and PERG data. CONCLUSIONS: High-density rings of AF, which are present in some patients with RP with normal visual acuity, demarcate areas of preserved central photopic sensitivity. Scotopic sensitivity losses encroach on areas within the ring of high density and may reflect dysfunction before accumulation of lipofuscin.
机译:目的:比较在视网膜色素变性(RP)和正常视力患者中,高眼底自发荧光(AF)环异常的黄斑上的视力和暗视敏感性的心理上确定的空间变化。方法:对11名临床诊断为RP的患者进行了检查。所有患者均患有视锥细胞营养不良(国际视觉临床电生理学会[ISCEV]-标准ERGs),视敏度达6/9或更高,以及高密度AF的副中央凹环面异常。在明暗适应条件下,对异常高密度AF的黄斑区域进行精细矩阵标测(FMM)。 11例患者中有9例使用不同大小的圆形棋盘格进行了模式ERG(PERG)。结果:高密度AF环在患者之间有所不同(直径大约为3度-18度)。在中央黄斑区保留了明视敏感性,但是在环的高密度部分和环弧外的严重阈值升高处存在灵敏度损失的梯度。宫外敏感度损失更为严重,并侵袭了环内区域。高密度环的半径与保留的明视灵敏度的横向范围(r = 0.86)和PERG数据相关。结论:在某些视力正常的RP患者中,存在高密度的AF环划定了保留中央中央视敏度的区域。隐窝敏感性的丧失会侵犯高密度环内的区域,并可能反映脂褐素积聚之前的功能障碍。



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