首页> 外文期刊>Invertebrate Reproduction & Development >Comparative ultrastructure of the terminal portions of the male copulatory apparatus in Planorbidae (Gastropoda: Pulmonata)

Comparative ultrastructure of the terminal portions of the male copulatory apparatus in Planorbidae (Gastropoda: Pulmonata)


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Terminal portions of the male copulatory apparatus of Planorbis planorbis, Segmentina oelandica, and Anisus vortex were studied using whole-mount preparations, serial semi-thin sections, and transmission electron microscopy. In the latter species, stylet formation was investigated at several stages of postembryonic development. Organization of the penial distal portion in the species studied varies greatly. In P. planorbis, the distal end of the penis lacks developed papillae and is armed with a stylet built up of the covering epithelial cells of the penis proper. In A. vortex, the stylet is formed by the secretory activity of the middle cells of the distal portion of the penis. To the time of maturation, the cells encompassing the stylet are brokendown exposing its solid chitinous structure and characteristic shape. In S. oelandica, the distal end of the penis bears the long probably flexible papilla with the characteristics of an internal 'skeleton,' organized as a line of connective tissue cells and a system of hydrocoelic cavities.
机译:使用整装制剂,连续半薄切片和透射电子显微镜研究了Planorbis planorbis,Segmentina oelandica和Anisus涡的雄性交配器的末端部分。在后一种物种中,在胚后发育的几个阶段研究了探针的形成。所研究物种的阴茎远端部分的组织差异很大。在P. planorbis中,阴茎的远端缺乏发达的乳头,并由一个由适当的阴茎上皮细胞组成的探针组成。在涡旋杆菌中,管心针是由阴茎远端的中间细胞的分泌活动形成的。到成熟时,包围探针的细胞被暴露,暴露出其固体的几丁质结构和特征形状。在S. oelandica中,阴茎的远端带有可能长的柔软的乳头,具有内部“骨骼”的特征,组织为一系列结缔组织细胞和水腔腔系统。



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