首页> 外文期刊>International journal of nursing studies >Bias in experimental nursing research: Strategies to improve the quality and explanatory power of nursing science.

Bias in experimental nursing research: Strategies to improve the quality and explanatory power of nursing science.


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In a guest editorial in this journal, Rahm Hallberg [Rahm Hallberg, I., 2006. Challenges for future nursing research: providing evidence for health-care practice. International Journal of Nursing Studies 43, 923-927] called for research which has greater explanatory power to determine the effectiveness of nursing interventions. In this paper we critique the suggestion made by the evidence-based nursing movement that randomisation per se is the principal route to better quality nursing research. In contrast, we evaluate the new CONSORT criteria for pragmatic RCTs, which assess the quality of strategies to reduce selection, performance, attrition and detection biases, allowing many different types of comparative studies to be covered by application of the checklist. We propose that randomisation alone is a necessary but insufficient strategy and that nursing researchers rise to Rahm Hallberg's challenge by adopting the extended criteria to assist in the critical appraisal, design and reporting of all experimental research in nursing.
机译:在该杂志的特邀社论中,拉姆·霍尔伯格[Rahm Hallberg,I.,2006。未来护理研究的挑战:为保健实践提供证据。 [International Journal of Nursing Studies 43,923-927]呼吁开展具有更大解释力的研究,以决定护理干预措施的有效性。在本文中,我们对循证护理运动提出的建议进行了批评,即随机化本身是提高护理质量的主要途径。相比之下,我们评估了用于实用RCT的新CONSORT标准,该标准评估了减少选择,性能,损耗和检测偏倚的策略的质量,从而使检查表的应用涵盖了许多不同类型的比较研究。我们认为,仅随机化是一项必要但不足的策略,并且护理研究人员通过采用扩展标准来协助评估,设计和报告所有护理实验研究,从而引起了Rahm Hallberg的挑战。



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