首页> 外文期刊>International journal of nursing studies >Psychometric properties of the SCOFF questionnaire(Chinese version) for screening eating disorders in Hong Kongsecondary school students: A cross-sectional study

Psychometric properties of the SCOFF questionnaire(Chinese version) for screening eating disorders in Hong Kongsecondary school students: A cross-sectional study


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Background: Eating disorders are affecting an increasing number of high school students in Western and Asian countries. The availability of an effective screening tool is crucial for early detection and prompt intervention.Objective: The objective of this study was to examine the validity and reliability of the SCOFF questionnaire for screening eating disorders in Hong Kong high school students.Design: This study adopted a cross-sectional design to examine the psychometric properties of the SCOFF questionnaire. Participants: A panel of 7 experts and 936 students of a high school participated in the study.Method: The SCOFF questionnaire was translated into Chinese and back-translated into English to ensure the linguistic equivalence. A panel of 7 experts involved in the content validation of the SCOFF questionnaire. The Eating Disorder Examination-Questionnaire (EDE-Q) was used as the "reference standard" to assess its concurrent validity in 936 students of a high school. Its reliability was examined by internal consistency and the test-retest method at a 2-week interval and with 38 students. Results: The SCOFF questionnaire achieved an agreement of 86-100% among the experts for the content relevance. Of 812 students (86.8%) who responded to this study, their SCOFF scores correlated significantly with their global scores on the EDE-Q (r = 0.5, P < 0.01). Students identified as potentially having eating disorders had significantly higher scores in the EDE-Q than those not identified as such by SCOFF. The SCOFF questionnaire demonstrated moderate test-retest reliability (ICC = 0.66) and an acceptable internal consistency reliability (Cronbach's alpha = 0.44-0.57) in comparing with previous studies. Conclusion: The SCOFF questionnaire has acceptable psychometric properties in the Chinese culture. It will be useful for detecting potential eating disorders and assisting health promotion activity.
机译:背景:饮食失调正在影响西方和亚洲国家越来越多的高中生。有效的筛查工具的可用性对早期发现和及时干预至关重要。目的:这项研究的目的是检验SCOFF问卷对香港高中生筛查饮食失调的有效性和可靠性设计:本研究采用横断面设计,以检查SCOFF问卷的心理测量特性。参加者:由7名专家和936名高中生组成的小组参加了研究。方法:将SCOFF问卷翻译成中文,再反译成英文,以确保语言上的对等。由7位专家组成的小组参与了SCOFF问卷的内容验证。饮食失调问题调查表(EDE-Q)被用作“参考标准”,以评估其在936名高中学生中的同时效度。每隔2周通过38名学生,通过内部一致性和重测方法检查其可靠性。结果:SCOFF调查表的内容相关性在专家之间达成了86-100%的协议。在对这项研究做出回应的812名学生中(86.8%),他们的SCOFF得分与他们在EDE-Q上的总体得分显着相关(r = 0.5,P <0.01)。被识别为可能有饮食失调的学生在EDE-Q中的得分明显高于未被SCOFF识别的学生。与以前的研究相比,SCOFF问卷显示出中等的重测信度(ICC = 0.66)和可接受的内部一致性信度(Cronbach's alpha = 0.44-0.57)。结论:SCOFF问卷在中国文化中具有可接受的心理测量特性。这对于检测潜在的饮食失调和促进健康活动很有用。



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