首页> 外文期刊>International journal of nursing studies >Development, initial reliability and validity testing of an observational tool for assessing technical skills of operating room nurses.

Development, initial reliability and validity testing of an observational tool for assessing technical skills of operating room nurses.


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BACKGROUND: The recent emergence of the Systems Approach to the safety and quality of surgical care has triggered individual and team skills training modules for surgeons and anaesthetists and relevant observational assessment tools have been developed. OBJECTIVE: To develop an observational tool that captures operating room (OR) nurses' technical skill and can be used for assessment and training. METHODS: The Imperial College Assessment of Technical Skills for Nurses (ICATS-N) assesses (i) gowning and gloving, (ii) setting up instrumentation, (iii) draping, and (iv) maintaining sterility. Three to five observable behaviours have been identified for each skill and are rated on 1-6 scales. Feasibility and aspects of reliability and validity were assessed in 20 simulation-based crisis management training modules for trainee nurses and doctors, carried out in a Simulated Operating Room. RESULTS: The tool was feasible to use in the context of simulation-based training. Satisfactory reliability (Cronbach alpha) was obtained across trainers' and trainees' scores (analysed jointly and separately). Moreover, trainer nurse's ratings of the four skills correlated positively, thus indicating adequate content validity. Trainer's and trainees' ratings did not correlate. CONCLUSIONS: Assessment of OR nurses' technical skill is becoming a training priority. The present evidence suggests that the ICATS-N could be considered for use as an assessment/training tool for junior OR nurses.
机译:背景:外科护理安全性和质量的系统方法的最新出现引发了针对外科医生和麻醉师的个人和团队技能培训模块,并且已经开发了相关的观察评估工具。目的:开发一种观察工具,以捕捉手术室护士的技术技能,并可以用于评估和培训。方法:帝国理工学院护士技术技能评估(ICATS-N)评估(i)着装和戴手套,(ii)设置仪器,(iii)披覆和(iv)保持无菌。每种技能已识别出三到五个可观察到的行为,并以1-6等级进行评分。在模拟手术室中,针对受训护士和医生进行了20个基于模拟的危机管理培训模块,评估了可行性以及可靠性和有效性的各个方面。结果:该工具在基于模拟的训练中是可行的。跨培训者和受训者的分数(联合和单独分析)获得了令人满意的可靠性(Cronbach alpha)。此外,培训师护士对这四个技能的评分呈正相关,因此表明内容效度足够。培训者和受训者的评分没有相关性。结论:评估手术室护士的技术技能正成为培训的重点。目前的证据表明,ICATS-N可以考虑用作初级或中级护士的评估/培训工具。



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