首页> 外文期刊>Bulletin de la Societe prehistorique francaise >La collecte du bois defeu dans le site mousterien de la Comhette (Bonnieux, Vaucluse, France): implications paleo-economiques et paleo-ecologiques. Approche morphometrique des charbons de bois

La collecte du bois defeu dans le site mousterien de la Comhette (Bonnieux, Vaucluse, France): implications paleo-economiques et paleo-ecologiques. Approche morphometrique des charbons de bois

机译:在La Comhette(法国沃克吕兹省邦尼厄)的Mousterian地点收集柴火:古经济和古生态意义。木炭的形态计量方法

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A catalogue of characteristic anatomical features in charcoal has been developed in order to study firewood gathering practices during the Palaeolithic. This method applied to the charcoal of la Combette (Bonnieux, Vaucluse), a Mousterian rockshelter, points to the practically exclusive use of dead wood during all the occupation phases. This practice can be correlated with the site's function, which seems to have been a hunting camp, only sporadically occupied. Already dry, already felled, dead wood perfectly met the needs on a site where the duration of each occupation excluded the possibility of storing fresh wood. Even if several species were used, their respective properties were considerably altered and all finally present identical properties. Thus, the range of fire-related activities was probably little diversified and la Combette could not be a base camp. In a base camp, where a number of different activities took place, almost every type of wood would have been collected. This specialization of hearths supplied with a fuel whose properties are so characteristic could be related to the treatment of skins. Lastly, the definition of firewood gathering methods enables the charcoals' palaeoecological significance to be discussed.
机译:为了研究旧石器时代的柴火收集实践,已经开发了木炭的特征解剖特征目录。这种方法适用于穆斯特式的石棚la la Combette的木炭(Bonnieux,Vaucluse),它指出了在所有占领阶段几乎完全使用死木。这种做法可以与该站点的功能相关联,该站点似乎只是狩猎营地,只是零星地被占用。已经干燥,已经砍伐的枯木完全可以满足该场地的需求,在该场地上,每次职业的持续时间都排除了存储新鲜木材的可能性。即使使用了几种,它们各自的性质也发生了很大的变化,最终都呈现出相同的性质。因此,与火灾有关的活动范围可能几乎没有多样化,拉康贝特也不能成为大本营。在一个进行许多不同活动的大本营中,几乎每种木材都将被收集。壁炉的这种专业化,其燃料的特性如此独特,可能与皮肤的治疗有关。最后,木柴收集方法的定义使人们能够探讨木炭的古生态意义。



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