首页> 外文期刊>Bulletin de la Societe prehistorique francaise >Les habitats des groupes a Federmesser (aziliens) dans le Nord de la Belgique

Les habitats des groupes a Federmesser (aziliens) dans le Nord de la Belgique


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Based on systematic research at Meer, Rekem, and Lommel, this article presents some characteristics o/Federmesser (Azilian) settlements in northern Belgium. Examining land-use patterns, internal spatial organisation on sites and in dwelling structures, we try to shed some light on the economic, social and (spiritual life of these societies. During the Aller0d in-terstadial, the Federmesser groups exploited the Belgian Campine region rather intensively. AU the sites are situated on late glacial sand dunes, systematically overlooking humid depressions along the south-eastern edge. These locations were rich biotopes, probably offering wide floral andfau-nal diversity. Artefact quantities and site size reflect repeated visits, probably induced by recurring patterns of mobility. On the other hand, the Federmesser groups established extended and visibly organised residential camps. So far, only one dwelling structure has been identified. The central area of the settlement consists of a large open air work space around a hearth, where the abundance anil variety of materials reflect a diversity of activities. Some of these generated repetitive patterns of spatial organisation that can still be recognised in the archaeological record. Others, in particular preparation for hunting, occurred away from these centres, perhaps in a ritual context. The results show that, in spite of lacking organic remains, these sites can still yield information on the size and nature of the settlements, as well as on certain aspects of human behaviour. It is argued that in northern Belgium, Federmesser group traditions foreshadowed a Meso-lithic lifestyle, rather than representing a continuation of the Palaeolithic cultures (Magdalenian).
机译:基于Meer,Rekem和Lommel的系统研究,本文介绍了比利时北部o / Federmesser(Azilian)定居点的一些特征。通过研究土地利用模式,现场和住宅结构的内部空间组织,我们试图揭示这些社会的经济,社会和精神生活。在Aller0d跨境时期,Federmesser团体利用了比利时Campine地区所有地点都位于较晚的冰川沙丘上,可以系统地俯瞰东南边缘的潮湿洼地,这些地点是丰富的生物群落,可能提供广泛的花卉和秋季多样性,人工制品的数量和地点的大小反映出可能是多次造访。另一方面,费德梅瑟(Federmesser)团体建立了扩展的,有组织的居住营地,到目前为止,仅发现了一个住宅结构,定居点的中央区域由一个大型露天工作空间围绕炉膛,丰富的各种材料反映了各种活动,其中一些产生了重复的拍子在考古记录中仍然可以识别的空间组织形式。其他人,特别是为狩猎做准备的人,可能是在仪式场合下发生在这些中心以外的地方。结果表明,尽管缺少有机遗骸,但这些遗址仍可以提供有关定居点的大小和性质以及人类行为某些方面的信息。有人认为,在比利时北部,Federmesser的群体传统预示了中石器时代的生活方式,而不是代表旧石器时代文化的延续(玛格达琳时代)。



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