首页> 外文期刊>Bulletin de la Societe prehistorique francaise >A la recherche des campements d'hiver dans le Magdalenien du Bassin parisien

A la recherche des campements d'hiver dans le Magdalenien du Bassin parisien


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The discovery of a winter camp, for the first time at Pincevent, led to comparing its characteristics with those of a large autumn camp, on the same site. While, in September or October, hunters were entirely dedicated to killing a maximum of reindeer in the course of their migration, the presence of nine horses in the winter camp is due to the fact that they stayed in the region at that season. In both camps, the nature and the relative proportions oflithic and other artefacts are mostly the same, but the main differences concern the general spatial organisation and the density of artefacts. In autumn, the temperatures were still temperate and the full range of activities linked to the treatment of dozens of reindeer were dispersed over a large surface in the open air, and around light residence shelters. In winter, the more severe climatic conditions seem to have restricted the use of space to around a large constructed shelter, centred around a hearth. Most of the outside accumulations of manufacturing debris and rocks are deposited within a circle of a few meters around the dwelling.Those characteristics were used to construct a model taking in consideration the constraints of climatic conditions, the technical responses to these constraints and the consequences for an archaeological comprehension of a prehistoric living floor. A general comparison with most of the Magdale-nian settlements of the Paris Basin was then made.



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