
Quantum Coalition of 'n Equipartition' Compound Mode in Minority Game

机译:少数博弈中“ n等分”复合模式的量子联盟

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We investigate the quantum coalition in an N-player quantum minority game proposed by Benjamin. N players share an initial entangled state and the measure of entanglement of the initial state is p. The coalition size is n (n < N). When N is odd and when N is even with the restricted condition , we find a best quantum strategy which can make the expected payoff of each coalition player reach the maximal value in this paper. We compare the expected payoffs of the coalition players before and after the best coalition, and get that whether the players coalition or not is related to p when N is even; when N is odd, the expected payoff can always be improved by coalition which is independent of p. This result provides a theory basis for the choice of the initial state in a minority game. Moreover we propose a quantum minority game with clique-wise entanglement state which can make the expected payoff reach the upper limit and reduce the possibility of coalition.
机译:我们在本杰明(Benjamin)提出的N人量子少数游戏中研究了量子联盟。 N个玩家共享初始纠缠状态,并且初始状态的纠缠度为p。联盟大小为n(n



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