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Le site mésolithique de Rosnay ? Haut-de-Vallière ? (Marne) Une occupation spécialisée du premier Mésolithique

机译:罗斯奈的中石器时代遗址? Haut-de-Vallière? (马恩)第一个中石器时代的专门职业

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In 2010, during the excavation of a protohistoric site (dir.: E. Millet, INRAP), a small Mesolithic occupation was identified on the Haut-de-Vallière site, Rosnay (Marne). The brief rescue operation allowed the identification of a 20 m2 concentration and the collection of all artefacts by quarter square metre units. Against all odds, homogeneity and consistency of the site are attested by chronological and functional data despite its location at the top of a gentle slope of a small valley and its sealing by sandy slope deposits (tertiary residual hill). The Mesolithic level is well preserved and there is no mixing with other periods. The absence of a dip and the flat distribution of the remains allow us to envisage an installation on a ledge or in a hollow. The remains, set around a hearth structure, are characterized by the presence of flints, stone (sandstone), some burnt bone remains and rare fragments of burnt hazelnut shells. The hearth is a carbonaceous and sub-circular area (1.80 m2), with some dispersed sandstones. Two very consistent dates, one on burnt bone and one on burnt hazelnut shells, place the occupation at the end of the Pre-Boreal between 8628 and 8340 cal. BC. This chronological attribution appears in line with the microlith assemblage, dominated by crescents and retouched base points, assigned to the 'north-western Beuronian' technocomplex (Ducrocq, 2001 and 2009). 1,463 lithic remains were discovered. 45.9% are splinters. Domestic tools (82) are more numerous than microliths (27), with many scrapers (51). These scrapers have various morphologies; they are manufactured on flakes or blades, in tertiary or secondary flint. Those in secondary flint were more used and re-sharpened. Usewear analysis proves their use in skin scraping activities. Retouched flakes, blades and bladelets are also present as well as some rare burins. The chronocultural consistency is reinforced by the function of the site, specialized in skin-working (scraping and cutting), confirmed by the usewear analyses of many scrapers. In parallel, the usewear analyses have highlighted different treatments of skins, with scrapers used on dry skins or during the drying process and unretouched flakes or blades on moist skins, probably in association with the use of ochre. To a lesser extent, butchery and plant-related activities were also identified on the site with unretouched flakes and bladelets. 138 osseous remains were collected, mainly burnt.
机译:2010年,在对原史遗址(目录:E。Millet,INRAP)进行挖掘的过程中,在罗斯奈(马恩省)的上德瓦莱耶尔遗址上发现了一个小型的中石器时代的职业。短暂的营救行动可以确定20平方米的浓度,并按四分之一平方米的单位收集所有文物。在各种情况下,尽管该地点位于小山谷缓坡的顶部,并由砂质斜坡沉积物(第三纪残余丘陵)封堵,但依时间和功能数据证明了该地点的均一性和一致性。中石器的水平保存完好,没有与其他时期混合。没有倾角和残骸的平坦分布,我们可以设想将其安装在壁架上或中空。残骸围绕炉床结构布置,其特征是有fl石,石头(砂岩),一些烧焦的骨残骸和稀有的榛子壳碎片。炉膛是含碳和亚圆形区域(1.80平方米),上面散布着一些砂岩。两个非常一致的日期,一个在烧焦的骨头上,一个在烧制的榛子壳上,将占领地点定在8628至8340 cal之间的北北方。公元前。这种时间上的归属与微石组合相一致,该微石组合以新月形和修饰的基点为主,并被分配给“西北西伯罗尼亚”技术复合体(Ducrocq,2001年和2009年)。发现了1,463块石器遗骸。 45.9%是碎片。家用工具(82)比带有许多刮刀(51)的微石(27)数量更多。这些刮板具有多种形态;它们是用三级或二级火石的薄片或叶片制造的。次生火石的人更习惯和重新磨锐。 Usewear分析证明了它们在皮肤刮除活动中的用途。还存在修饰过的薄片,刀片和小叶片,以及一些稀有的玉米糊。场地的功能通过专门用于皮肤加工(刮擦和切割)的功能来增强年代文化的一致性,这一点已通过对许多刮刀的磨损分析进行了确认。同时,用服分析突出了皮肤的不同处理方法,在干燥的皮肤或干燥过程中使用刮刀,在潮湿的皮肤上使用未修饰的薄片或刀片,这可能与with色的使用有关。在较小程度上,在该地点还发现了未经处理的薄片和小叶片与屠杀和植物相关的活动。收集了138具骨骸,主要是烧掉的。



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