首页> 外文期刊>Bulletin de la Societe prehistorique francaise >Le site de Marigny à Sauvigny-les-Bois (Nièvre, France), dans la perspective des occupations du Paléolithique supérieur ancien sur la marge sud du bassin de Paris

Le site de Marigny à Sauvigny-les-Bois (Nièvre, France), dans la perspective des occupations du Paléolithique supérieur ancien sur la marge sud du bassin de Paris


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The site of Marigny, Sauvigny-les-Bois (Nièvre), is located on the edge of the plateau to the east of the Loire valley. It was excavated in 2006 over 1,200 m2 and has yielded an Early Upper Palaeolithic level extending northwards. The archaeological level is only lightly buried, largely eroded and more or less perturbed by cryogenic processes. The sedimentary sequence, which is not very thick, is disrupted by two major periglacial events that frame the Palaeolithic level. Thus, the site is prior to the last glacial maximum between 16 and 20000 BP. The archaeological remains are exclusively lithic. Most come from an area of nearly 540 square metres forming a flat level in the centre of the excavated area. A total of 11,157 lithic remains were discovered, of which 10,039 were in the central part of the site. The raw materials are mainly local Dogger flint. Only six pieces are exogenous, with five of them from known sources in the Cher valley (about 50 - 100 km west of Marigny). The spatial pattern of the different categories of remains on the site shows no specific distribution. Refittings are concentrated and refittings of pieces broken by freezing show no movement beyond the square metre. While these data cannot distinguish the time or the frequency of visits to the site, they seem to indicate a certain coherence of the lithic production on the site. The composition of the Marigny industry is dominated by blade production followed by that of bladelets, which depends partly on the former. The blade production is unipolar, initiated by a natural ridge or prepared crest, with tangential percussion for the recurrent production of blades of various sizes with profiles that are rather straight for the shortest and curved for the larger ones.
机译:马里尼(Sauvigny-les-Bois)(涅夫河)的遗址位于高原边缘,卢瓦尔河谷以东。它于2006年开挖了1,200平方米,产生了早期的旧石器时代水平向北延伸。考古层次仅被轻微掩埋,严重腐蚀并且或多或少受到低温过程的干扰。沉积序列不是很厚,但被构成旧石器时代水平的两个主要冰缘事件所破坏。因此,该位置在16至20000 BP之间的最后一次冰川最大值之前。考古遗迹完全是石器时代的。大多数都来自将近540平方米的区域,在开挖区域的中心形成了平坦的水平。总共发现了11157块石器遗骸,其中10039处在遗址中心。原材料主要是当地的Dogger火石。外来的只有六块,其中五块来自雪儿谷(马里尼以西约50-100公里)的已知来源。该遗址上不同类别的遗骸的空间格局没有具体分布。改装件集中,被冷冻破坏的零件改装件没有移动过平方米。尽管这些数据无法区分访问该站点的时间或频率,但它们似乎表明该站点上的石器生产具有一定的连贯性。 Marigny行业的组成主要是叶片生产,其次是小叶片,这部分取决于前者。叶片的生产是单极的,由自然的山脊或预先准备的波峰开始,具有切向冲击力,可循环生产各种尺寸的叶片,其轮廓对于最短的叶片来说是直的,对于较大的叶片是弯曲的。



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