首页> 外文期刊>Bulletin de la Societe prehistorique francaise >Espaces de circulation, espaces de cheminement Quelques ?pistes? de réflexion pour le Sud de la Corse entre Bronze final et premier age du Fer

Espaces de circulation, espaces de cheminement Quelques ?pistes? de réflexion pour le Sud de la Corse entre Bronze final et premier age du Fer


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This paper aims at introducing some original and preliminary considerations on zones at least partially dedicated, in varying proportions, to the circulation of individuals in the chrono-cultural frame of the Late Bronze Age (' Apazzu-Castidetta-Cucuruzzu' cultural group) and the early Iron Age ('Nuciaresa'cultural group) in Southern Corsica, an area characterized by a clear cultural territorialization phenomenon which can be observed throughout the period considered. These thoughts are presented here in their preliminary state and concern different fieldworks, including excavations (Cuciurpula,Puzzonu and Nuciaresa settlements), surveys and systematic architectural layouts. The first approach concerns the revelation of 'corridors' within the internal space of the long double-nave dwellings that have been excavated in the past few years in the micro-region of Alta Rocca (the granitic and mountainous area of the southern part of the island, constituted by the high valleys of the Fiumicicoli and Rizzanese rivers), notably in the settlement of Cuciurpula, in the northern part of the region. We shall especially present the information collected during the excavations of dwellings 6, 1 and 3 of this important village, which provides an exhaustive view of a complete chronology between the 12th and 6th centuries BC,and thus allows the spatial and functional evolution of the typical Southern Corsican protohistoric houses to be considered in a diachronic manner. More particularly, we will develop the ceramic vessel distribution analysis in order to interpret particular concentrations and/or absences, according to the different contexts (chronology and typology of the house, spatial position and comparison with other vestiges: fauna, vegetal macro-remains, lithic industries, etc.), defining circulation, sleeping, cooking or stocking areas. We shall then examine the means of access related to the daily use of these domestic spaces through analysis of the vestiges of the pathways linking them together, which have recently been the topic of an independent study. This consisted in the compilation of a catalogue and the excavation of these specific constructions, whose aspect clearly indicates their function, linked to the circulation of individuals, naturally difficult at Cuciurpula because of the inclination grade and rock clusters. These structures include ramps, stairs, passageways and even footbridges, etc., which link the forty dwellings of the settlement.
机译:本文旨在介绍一些关于区域的原始和初步考虑,这些区域至少部分地以不同的比例专门用于青铜时代晚期(“ Apazzu-Castidetta-Cucuruzzu”文化群体)的时间文化框架中的个人流通。南部可西嘉岛的铁器时代早期(“ Nuciaresa”文化集团),该地区的特征是明显的文化领土化现象,可以在整个考虑期间内观察到。这些想法在其初始状态中就已经提出,它们涉及不同的实地工作,包括挖掘(库丘普拉,库扎努(Puzzonu)和努西亚雷萨人定居点),勘测和系统建筑布局。第一种方法涉及“走廊”在过去几年间在Alta Rocca微观地区(该地区南部的花岗岩和山区)发掘的长双屋住宅内部空间中的启示。岛,由Fiumicicoli和Rizzanese河流的高谷组成),特别是在该地区北部的Cuciurpula聚落中。我们将特别介绍在这个重要村庄的住宅6、1、3的发掘过程中收集的信息,该信息详尽地介绍了公元前12至6世纪之间的完整年代,从而使典型建筑的空间和功能演变成为可能。科西嘉岛南部的原始历史房屋应以历时考虑。更具体地说,我们将根据不同的环境(房屋的年代和类型,空间位置以及与其他遗迹的比较:动物区系,植物遗迹,石器行业等),定义流通,睡眠,烹饪或放养区域。然后,我们将通过分析将这些家庭空间联系在一起的途径的痕迹来研究与这些家庭空间的日常使用相关的访问手段,而这些痕迹最近已成为独立研究的主题。这包括目录的编制和对这些特殊结构的挖掘,这些结构的方面清楚地表明了它们的功能,与个人的流通有关,由于倾斜度和岩石团簇,在库丘普拉自然地很难。这些结构包括坡道,楼梯,通道甚至人行天桥等,它们连接了该定居点的40处房屋。



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