首页> 外文期刊>International journal of STD & AIDS >Prevalence of sexually transmitted infections among women attending antenatal clinics in Tanga, north eastern Tanzania

Prevalence of sexually transmitted infections among women attending antenatal clinics in Tanga, north eastern Tanzania


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This study aimed to determine the prevalence of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) among HIV-infected and uninfected pregnant women in Tanga, Tanzania. Retrospective data on syphilis and HIV status during 2008-2010 were collected from antenatal clinic (ANC) records. Prospective data were collected from HIV-infected (n = 105) and HIV-uninfected pregnant women (n = 100) attending ANCs between April 2009 and August 2010. Syphilis prevalence showed a declining trend (3.1%, 1.4% and 1.3%), while HIV prevalence was stable (6.1%, 6.4% and 5.4%) during 2008-2010. HIV-infected women had significantly higher prevalence of trichomoniasis (18.8% versus 5.0%; P, 0.003) and candidiasis (16.5% versus 2.0%; P, 0.001) while the higher rate of gonorrhoea (3.5% versus 0%; P = 0.095) was not statistically significant when compared with HIV-uninfected women. There were no statistically significant differences in prevalence of chlamydial infection (0% versus 3.0%; P = 0.156) or syphilis (2.4% versus 3.0%; P = 1) between HIV-infected and uninfected women. Other STIs were common in both HIV-infected and uninfected pregnant women.
机译:这项研究旨在确定坦桑尼亚坦a的艾滋病毒感染和未感染孕妇的性传播感染(STI)患病率。从产前诊所(ANC)记录中收集了2008-2010年期间梅毒和HIV状况的回顾性数据。前瞻性数据收集自2009年4月至2010年8月参加ANC的感染HIV的孕妇(n = 105)和未感染HIV的孕妇(n = 100)。梅毒患病率呈下降趋势(3.1%,1.4%和1.3%),而在2008-2010年期间,艾滋病毒的患病率稳定(分别为6.1%,6.4%和5.4%)。受HIV感染的女性滴虫病(18.8%vs 5.0%; P,0.003)和念珠菌病(16.5%vs 2.0%; P,0.001)的患病率明显更高,而淋病的发生率较高(3.5%vs 0%; P = 0.095) )与未感染HIV的女性相比,没有统计学意义。 HIV感染妇女和未感染妇女的衣原体感染(0%对3.0%; P = 0.156)或梅毒患病率(2.4%对3.0%; P = 1)在统计学上没有显着差异。其他性传播感染在HIV感染和未感染的孕妇中都很常见。



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