首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Quality Engineering and Technology >Multi-response optimisation using Grey relational analysis and Shainin design of experiments

Multi-response optimisation using Grey relational analysis and Shainin design of experiments


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Several approaches are used for simultaneous optimisation of multi-response experiments to predict the significant parameters in the area of design of experiments. Researchers focus more on the mathematical models and numerical analysis to find the significant factors contribute to the problem statement both in problem solving approaches and process characterisation. Shainin proposed a set of tools and techniques to improve the quality both offline and online quality assurance. The purpose of using all these set of tools is to find the vital few dominant cause called red X and second dominant cause called pink X which affects the manufacturing system or quality assurance. This paper deals with the application of Grey relational analysis to combine the multi responses into a single response which affects the problem statement and predicts the optimum parameter levels for confirmation experiment. A case study is illustrated to explain the steps and discussed in detail. This shows the application feasibility of the Grey relational analysis with Shainin design of experiments in combination to improve the quality characteristics and process characterisation.
机译:几种方法可用于同时优化多响应实验,以预测实验设计领域中的重要参数。研究人员更多地关注数学模型和数值分析,以发现在解决问题的方法和过程表征方面都对问题陈述做出贡献的重要因素。 Shainin提出了一套工具和技术,以提高离线和在线质量保证的质量。使用所有这些工具集的目的是找出影响制造系统或质量保证的极少数主导性原因,称为红色X,第二主要原因称为粉红色X。本文探讨了灰色关联分析的应用,它将多个响应组合成一个单一的响应,从而影响问题陈述并预测用于确认实验的最佳参数水平。说明了一个案例研究以解释步骤并进行了详细讨论。这说明了将灰色关联分析与Shainin实验设计相结合以提高质量特性和过程表征的应用可行性。



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