首页> 外文期刊>International journal of sport psychology >Manipulating task constraints of situated normativity to study decision making in Krav Maga

Manipulating task constraints of situated normativity to study decision making in Krav Maga

机译:操纵情境规范的任务约束以研究Krav Maga中的决策

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This paper claims that situated normativity is part of the task constraints which affect the dynamic process of decision making. Situated normativity is mainly defined by behavioural modes and levels of expertise, expressed in and as ethnomethods. 12 Krav Maga participants (five novices, five intermediates, two experts) were distributed into two experimental groups. Each group underwent a different experimental breaching condition: G1 faced a boxer that performed a judo attack (Morote Dori); G2 faced a judoka that performed a boxing attack (Jab). Results showed that every participant, irrelevant of their level of expertise, was surprised by the attack in Tl. During T2, expectancies of the previous trial acted as a task constraint that affected participants in different ways. As a general trend, novices were still surprised but experts and intermediates were not. The detailed comparison of two case studies suggested that adaptability was only possible for experts, not novices.
机译:本文认为,定位规范是任务约束的一部分,它会影响决策的动态过程。情境规范性主要由行为模式和专业水平定义,以民族方法表示。 12名Krav Maga参与者(5名新手,5名中级人员,2名专家)被分为两个实验组。每个小组都经历了不同的实验突破条件:G1面对进行柔道进攻的拳击手(Morote Dori); G2面对一个进行拳击攻击的柔道运动员(Jab)。结果表明,与他们的专业水平无关的每个参与者都对T1的袭击感到惊讶。在T2期间,先前试验的期望值充当任务约束,以不同方式影响参与者。作为一种普遍趋势,新手仍然感到惊讶,但专家和中间人却没有。对两个案例研究的详细比较表明,适应性仅适用于专家,而不适用于新手。



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