首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Pharmaceutics >Corticosteroid solubility and lipid polarity control release from solid lipid nanoparticles.

Corticosteroid solubility and lipid polarity control release from solid lipid nanoparticles.


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Solid lipid nanoparticles (SLN) show promise as a drug delivery system for skin administration. The solid state of the lipid particle enables efficient drug encapsulation and controlled drug release. The present study addresses the influence of lipid composition and drug substance lipid solubility on the in vitro release profile of corticosteroids from SLN for topical administration. Firstly, the effect of lipid composition on the lipid solubility and in vitro release of betamethasone-17-valerate (BMV) was determined by varying the lipid monoglyceride content and the chain length of the fatty acid moiety. Secondly, the effect of drug substance physicochemical properties was determined by studying five different corticosteroid derivatives with different lipophilicity. A high concentration of monoglyceride in SLN increased the amount of BMV released. The corticosteroid release rate depended on the drug substance lipophilicity and it was clear that the release profiles depended on drug partitioning to the aqueous phase as indicated by zero order kinetics. The results emphasize that the corticosteroid solubility in the lipid phase greatly influence drug distribution in the lipid particles and release properties. Thus knowledge of drug substance solubility and lipid polarity contributes to optimize SLN release properties.
机译:固体脂质纳米颗粒(SLN)有望作为皮肤给药的药物递送系统。脂质颗粒的固态能够实现有效的药物包封和受控的药物释放。本研究解决了脂质组成和药物脂质溶解度对局部给药的SLN皮质类固醇体外释放曲线的影响。首先,通过改变脂质单甘油酯含量和脂肪酸部分的链长来确定脂质组成对脂质溶解度和倍他米松17-戊酸酯(BMV)的体外释放的影响。其次,通过研究五种不同亲脂性的不同皮质类固醇衍生物,确定了药物理化性质的影响。 SLN中高浓度的甘油单酸酯可增加释放的BMV。皮质类固醇的释放速率取决于药物的亲脂性,并且清楚的是,释放曲线取决于药物分配至水相,如零级动力学所示。结果强调,皮质类固醇在脂质相中的溶解度极大地影响药物在脂质颗粒中的分布和释放特性。因此,对药物溶解度和脂质极性的了解有助于优化SLN释放性能。



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