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Distribution policy in an M-store regional supply chain


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The Regional Supply Chain Replenishment problem consists of one warehouse distributing one product to M-stores. Here, we assume the store demand is independent and normally distributed. There is one truck at the warehouse, which makes one replenishment trip to one store per period. Based on the store inventory level, the warehouse makes two decisions in each period: which store to replenish and the replenishment quantity. The objective is to position regional inventory to minimise lost sales. Two heuristic solutions are presented. The BL-Heuristic is easily implemented but performs well when demand variance is low. The AD-Heuristic uses an LP model to prescribe a replenishment plan. The key factor in the AD-Heuristic is the demand buffer factor K, and a simulation method for deriving K is proposed. The efficiency of the AD-Heuristic was tested, and its performance stays consistently within 5% of the adjusted lower bound.
机译:区域供应链补给问题由一个仓库向M个商店分发一种产品组成。在这里,我们假设商店需求是独立的并且是正态分布的。仓库里有一辆卡车,每个期间对一家商店进行一次补给旅行。根据商店的库存水平,仓库在每个期间做出两个决定:要补货的商店和补货数量。目的是定位区域库存,以最大程度地减少销售损失。提出了两种启发式解决方案。 BL-Heuristic易于实施,但在需求差异较小时表现良好。 AD-Heuristic使用LP模型来制定补货计划。 AD-Heuristic中的关键因素是需求缓冲因素K,并提出了一种推导K的仿真方法。测试了AD-Heuristic的效率,其性能始终保持在调整后的下限的5%以内。



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