首页> 外文期刊>International journal of modern physics, E. Nuclear physics >The nuclear Born-Oppenheimer method applied to nuclear collective motion

The nuclear Born-Oppenheimer method applied to nuclear collective motion


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We deal with the application of the nuclear Born-Oppenheimer (NBO) method to the study of nuclear collective motion. In particular, we look at the description of nuclear rotations and vibrations. The collective operators are specified within the NBO method only to the extent of identifying the type of collective degrees of freedom we intend to describe; the operators are then determined from the dynamics of the system. To separate the collective degrees of freedom into rotational and vibrational terms, we transform the collective tensor operator from the lab fixed frame of reference to the frame defined by the principal axes of the system; this transformation diagonalizes the tensor operator. We derive a general expression for the NBO mean energy and show that it contains internal, collective and coupling terms. Then, we specify the approximations that need to be made in order to establish a connection between Bohr's collective model and the NBO method. We show that Bohr's collective Hamiltonian can be recovered from the NBO Hamiltonian only after adopting some rather crude approximations. In addition, we try to understand, in light of the NBO approach, why Bohr's collective model gives the wrong inertial parameters. We show that this is due to two major reasons: the ad hoc selection of the collective degrees of freedom within the context of Bohr's collective model and the unwarranted neglect of several important terms from the Hamiltonian. [References: 18]
机译:我们处理核生波-奥本海默(NBO)方法在核集体运动研究中的应用。特别是,我们着眼于核旋转和振动的描述。仅在确定我们打算描述的集体自由度类型的范围内,在NBO方法中指定了集体算子。然后根据系统动态确定操作员。为了将集体自由度分为旋转项和振动项,我们将集体张量算子从实验室固定参考系转换为系统主轴定义的框架。此变换使张量运算符对角化。我们导出了NBO平均能量的一般表达式,并表明它包含内部,集体和耦合项。然后,我们指定在Bohr的集体模型和NBO方法之间建立联系所需的近似值。我们表明,玻尔的集体哈密顿量只有在采用一些相当粗略的近似后才能从NBO哈密顿量中恢复。另外,我们尝试根据NBO方法来理解为什么Bohr的集体模型给出错误的惯性参数。我们证明这是由于两个主要原因:在玻尔的集体模型的背景下对自由度的临时选择和对汉密尔顿主义中几个重要术语的无理疏忽。 [参考:18]



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