首页> 外文期刊>International journal of colorectal disease. >Duodenal gastrointestinal stroma tumours: Difficulties of an individualized risk assessment and controversies in surgical therapy

Duodenal gastrointestinal stroma tumours: Difficulties of an individualized risk assessment and controversies in surgical therapy


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Gastrointestinal stromal tumours (GISTs) are uncommon but distinct mesenchymal tumours of the gastrointestinal tract . They evolve mainly in the stomach (50-60 percent ), while the small intestine (25 percent ) and rectum (5 percent ) are less common sites. Especially the location in the duodenum is very rare with less than 5 percent of patients with GIST [1,2]. Prediction of clinical outcome in patients with GIST still remains difficult. Until now, three key prognostic factors have been characterized for patients with GIST: tumour site, tumour size and mitotic index . Based on these clini-copathologic factors, classification systems by Fletcher, Franquemont, Miettinen and the World Health Organization have been established to predict clinical outcome of patients with GISTs by mainly using the parameters of tumour size and mitotic rate . The optimal therapeutic management of patients with GIST is complete surgical resection with clear tumour margins . Thereby lymphadenectomy may not be required as these tumours are associated with an insignificant sub-mucosal penetration leading to a rare lymphatic involvement.
机译:胃肠道间质瘤(GIST)不常见,但与胃肠道间质肿瘤不同。它们主要在胃中进化(50-60%),而小肠(25%)和直肠(5%)是较不常见的部位。尤其是十二指肠中的位置非常少见,只有不到5%的GIST患者[1,2]。对GIST患者的临床结局进行预测仍然很困难。迄今为止,已确定了GIST患者的三个关键预后因素:肿瘤部位,肿瘤大小和有丝分裂指数。基于这些临床病理因素,已经建立了Fletcher,Franquemont,Miettinen和世界卫生组织的分类系统,主要通过使用肿瘤大小和有丝分裂率的参数来预测GIST患者的临床结局。 GIST患者的最佳治疗方法是手术切除,肿瘤边缘清晰。因此,可能不需要进行淋巴结清扫术,因为这些肿瘤与不明显的粘膜下穿透有关,导致罕见的淋巴结受累。



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