首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Climatology: A Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society >Influence of the IOD on the relationship between El Ni?o Modoki and the East Asian-western North Pacific summer monsoon

Influence of the IOD on the relationship between El Ni?o Modoki and the East Asian-western North Pacific summer monsoon


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The relationship between El Ni?o Modoki and the East Asian-western North Pacific summer monsoon (EA-WNPSM) has been revealed to be under the influence of Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD). When a pure El Ni?o Modoki occurs without a positive IOD, a strong EA-WNPSM is observed with a significant anomalous low-level cyclone over the western North Pacific (WNP), excessive rainfall there and deficient Meiyu-Baiu rainfall. In contrast, when an El Ni?o Modoki happens simultaneously with a positive IOD, the anomalous EA-WNPSM tends to be much weaker. This difference is attributed to a positive IOD effect. The results demonstrate that a positive IOD usually leads to a strong South Asian summer monsoon heating, which further causes easterly anomalies in the western Pacific. These anomalous easterlies tend to strengthen the WNP anticyclonic vorticity leading to a weak EA-WNPSM. Therefore, a positive IOD weakens the relationship between the El Ni?o Modoki and the EA-WNPSM. In addition, numerical experiments verified that the strong low-level WNP cyclonic anomaly is built through the off-equatorial heating associated with the local cyclonic circulation. The anomalous WNP anticyclonic vorticity induced by a positive IOD weakens this off-equatorial heating, thus leading to a weak EA-WNPSM.
机译:厄尔尼诺·莫多基(El Ni?o Modoki)与东亚-西北太平洋夏季风(EA-WNPSM)之间的关系已经显示出受印度洋偶极子(IOD)的影响。当纯El Ni?o Modoki出现而IOD不为正时,则观察到强EA-WNPSM,北太平洋西部(WNP)上空有明显的异常低空气旋,那里的降雨过多,Meiyu-Baiu降雨不足。相反,当El Ni?o Modoki与IOD为正值同时发生时,反常EA-WNPSM趋向于弱得多。这种差异归因于IOD的积极作用。结果表明,IOD为正值通常会导致南亚夏季风强烈加热,进而导致西太平洋东风异常。这些异常的东风往往会增强WNP的反气旋涡度,导致EA-WNPSM减弱。因此,正的IOD会削弱El Ni?o Modoki与EA-WNPSM之间的关系。此外,数值实验证明,强烈的低空WNP气旋异常是通过与局部气旋循环相关的赤道外加热而建立的。由正IOD引起的异常WNP反气旋涡度减弱了这种赤道外加热,从而导致EA-WNPSM弱。



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