首页> 外文期刊>International journal of colorectal disease. >Subtotal colectomy with antiperistaltic cecoproctostomy for slow-transit constipation: concerning the paper: Jiang CQ, Qian Q, Liu ZS, Bangoura G, Zheng KY, Wu YH (2008) Subtotal colectomy with antiperistaltic cecoproctostomy for selected patients with slow-transit constipation-from Chinese report. Int J Colorectal Dis 23:1251-1256.

Subtotal colectomy with antiperistaltic cecoproctostomy for slow-transit constipation: concerning the paper: Jiang CQ, Qian Q, Liu ZS, Bangoura G, Zheng KY, Wu YH (2008) Subtotal colectomy with antiperistaltic cecoproctostomy for selected patients with slow-transit constipation-from Chinese report. Int J Colorectal Dis 23:1251-1256.

机译:小肠结肠切除术联合抗蠕动子宫直肠吻合术治疗慢便秘的问题:涉及的文章:姜春青,钱倩,刘中生,班古拉G,郑桂云,吴永红(2008)选择性小肠结肠切除术联合抗蠕动宫颈癌吻合术对部分慢通性便秘患者中文报告。 Int J结肠直肠Dis 23:1251-1256。

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We found the article from Dr. Jiang et al. concerning their experience with antiperistaltic cecoproctostomy after subtotal colectomy (the so-called Sarli procedure) for slow-transit constipation, published in the December issue of Int J Colorectal Dis to be of great interest. In recent years, this procedure has been proposed as an alternative to total colectomy and ileo-rectal anastomosis (TC-IRA) as the treatment of colonic inertia, with varying results.Dr. Jiang et al. report the results of this procedure in 17 patients and compare them to those achieved in 20 patients undergoing TC-IRA, concluding that the former seems to be superior, affording the patients a better quality of life. Although the inevitable bias associated with the retrospective nature of the study, the (small) size of the sample and the (short) length of follow-up do not allow for definitive conclusions, we congratulate the authors for their preliminary results, which match those we achieved in our series [1]. Nevertheless, we believe that readers should benefit from some clarification concerning both patient selection and surgical technique, since often it is the details that determine the results of a surgical procedure.
机译:我们发现了姜博士等人的文章。有关他们在慢速便秘大肠切除术(所谓的Sarli手术)后进行抗蠕动盲肠吻合术的经验,引起了人们的极大兴趣,该论文发表于12月刊Int J Colorectal Dis。近年来,该方法已被提议作为结肠结肠惯性治疗的完全结肠切除术和回肠直肠吻合术(TC-IRA)的替代方法,效果不尽相同。江等。报告17例患者的手术结果,并将其与20例接受TC-IRA的患者的结果进行比较,得出结论,前者似乎更好,为患者提供了更好的生活质量。尽管与研究的回顾性,样本量(小)和随访时间短(短)相关的不可避免的偏见并不能得出明确的结论,但我们仍对作者的初步结果表示祝贺,这与作者的初衷相符。我们在系列[1]中取得了成就。尽管如此,我们相信读者应该从有关患者选择和手术技术的澄清中受益,因为通常是细节决定了手术过程的结果。



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