
Spatio-temporal rainfall patterns in Southern South America


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The dominant spatial and temporal patterns of a network of 23 homogenous instrumental rainfall records of Southern South America were analysed and used to define four regional annual precipitation series: (1) Northwestern Patagonia (1950-2000) with nine stations from both side of the Andes between 41 and 44 degrees S; (2) Central Patagonia (1950-2000) with five Chilean stations between 45 and 47 degrees S; (3) Patagonian plains-Atlantic (1961-2000) with five Argentinean stations spread between 43 and 50 degrees S and from the eastern foothills of the Andes to the Atlantic coast and (4) Southern Patagonia (1950-2000) with four stations cast of the Andes, near the Strait of Magellan between 51 and 53 degrees S. Unique patterns were also identified for two of the southernmost stations in Ushuaia and Evangelistas (EVA). Time series analysis of these regional patterns shows marked decadal variability for Northwestern and Central Patagonia, 3-7 years oscillations for the Patagonian plains-Atlantic region and a strong biannual oscillation mode for Southern Patagonia. Regional annual rainfall appears to be strongly influenced by Antarctic circulation modes (Antarctic Oscillation Index), whereas the El Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) influence on rainfall variability is less evident. Highly significant correlation of precipitation on the west coast of Patagonia with the pressure gradient between the subtropical eastern Pacific and the high-latitude south eastern Pacific is confirmed.
机译:分析了由南美洲南部23个均匀仪器降水记录组成的网络的主要时空格局,并将其用于定义四个区域年降水量序列:(1)西北巴塔哥尼亚(1950-2000年),安第斯山脉两侧有9个观测站在41至44度S之间; (2)巴塔哥尼亚中部(1950-2000年),在智利南纬45至47度之间设有5个站点; (3)巴塔哥尼亚平原-大西洋(1961-2000),有五个阿根廷站,分布于南纬43至50度之间,从安第斯山脉的山麓到大西洋沿岸,以及(4)巴塔哥尼亚南部(1950-2000),有四个站在安第斯山脉的麦哲伦海峡附近,南纬51-53度。在乌斯怀亚和伊万格里斯塔斯(EVA)的两个最南端的台站也发现了独特的模式。对这些区域格局的时间序列分析显示,巴塔哥尼亚西北部和中部地区年代际变化显着,巴塔哥尼亚平原-大西洋地区出现3-7年的振荡,而南巴塔哥尼亚则有很强的半年度振荡模式。区域年降水量似乎受到南极环流模式(南极涛动指数)的强烈影响,而厄尔尼诺-南方涛动(ENSO)对降雨变化的影响则不太明显。证实巴塔哥尼亚西海岸的降水与亚热带东部太平洋和高纬度东南太平洋之间的压力梯度高度相关。



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