首页> 外文期刊>International journal of clinical pharmacy. >Adherence with regulatory resolutions on prevention of NSAIDs-related gastrointestinal injury in Italy

Adherence with regulatory resolutions on prevention of NSAIDs-related gastrointestinal injury in Italy


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Background The rate of gastrointestinal (GI) complications with non-steroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) or low-dose aspirin (LD-ASA) varies according to risk factors. For at risk patients, the Italian regulatory resolution enforce prophylaxis with proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) or misoprostol. Objective This study evaluated the consistency with such resolution in patients receiving NSAIDs or LD-ASA and assessed whether patients continued to receive GI protection with PPIs for an adequate time following NSAID discontinuation. Setting An observational retrospective study was conducted using data from Health District of Pisa. Methods The analysis was performed on patients receiving prescription of NSAIDs or LD-ASA, with or without concomitant PPIs or misoprostol, accordingly with the presence of risk factors (2008-2010). Prescription data were retrieved from the database of reimbursement claims for dispensed drugs, while history of past GI diseases was obtained from primary or secondary discharge diagnosis. Main outcome measure The consistency rates of PPI and misoprostol prescriptions with Italian regulatory rules in patients receiving chronic NSAIDs or LD-ASA. Results 6869 patients, receiving NSAIDs or LD-ASA during the observation period, were eligible for the analysis. For NSAIDs or LD-ASA, gastroprotection rates in patients without risk factors were: 8 and 6 % in 2008; 10 and 8 % in 2009; 9 and 6 % in 2010; while the proportions of patients with one or more risk factors not receiving gastroprotection were: 12 and 17 % in 2008; 25 and 22 % in 2009; 15 and 17 % in 2010. In patients discontinuing chronic NSAIDs, 62 % were maintained on protection with PPIs, but only 28 % continued the PPI treatment for an adequate time (60 +/- 7 days). Conclusions The present analysis, although restricted to prescription patterns in a single health district, suggests scarce levels of consistency with Italian regulatory resolution on the prophylaxis of GI adverse events associated with chronic NSAIDs or LDASA.
机译:背景非甾体类抗炎药(NSAIDs)或小剂量阿司匹林(LD-ASA)引起的胃肠道(GI)并发症发生率根据危险因素而异。对于有风险的患者,意大利监管决议强制使用质子泵抑制剂(PPI)或米索前列醇进行预防。目的这项研究评估了接受NSAIDs或LD-ASA的患者采用这种解决方案的一致性,并评估了NSAID停用后患者是否在足够的时间内继续接受PPI的GI保护。设置使用来自比萨卫生区的数据进行观察性回顾性研究。方法对接受NSAIDs或LD-ASA处方,有或没有PPI或米索前列醇的患者进行分析,相应地考虑危险因素(2008-2010年)。处方数据是从配药费用报销数据库中检索的,而过去胃肠道疾病的病史则是通过一级或二级出院诊断获得的。主要结局指标接受慢性NSAID或LD-ASA的患者中PPI和米索前列醇处方与意大利法规一致的比率。结果在观察期间接受NSAID或LD-ASA的6869例患者符合分析条件。对于NSAID或LD-ASA,无危险因素的患者的胃保护率分别为:2008年为8%和6%; 2009年分别为10%和8%; 2010年分别为9%和6%;有一种或多种危险因素未接受胃保护的患者比例分别为:2008年为12%和17%; 2009年分别为25%和22%;在2010年分别为15%和17%。在停用慢性NSAID的患者中,有62%的患者接受了PPI的保护,但是只有28%的患者在足够的时间(60 +/- 7天)内继续接受PPI治疗。结论尽管目前的分析仅限于单个卫生区的处方模式,但与意大利监管机构在预防与慢性NSAID或LDASA相关的胃肠道不良事件方面的法规一致程度很少。



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